Netflix exploiting children // Cuties


This is the worst im willing to share on my blog.

Last few days a lot of outrage has hit Netflix over the movie "Cuties".

Cuties is a french movie that portrays children in a sexual manner for entertainment purposes.
It shows kids touching themselves in a sexual manner, it films them simulating sex on stage, films them in revealing clothes.

The movie is a pedophiles wet dream.
Last night i retweeted the dance video from the movie but its so disgusting that i had to delete the tweet. I couldnt have it run on my profile every time i scrolled through. If you have the stomach for it and want to see for yourself that the outrage is for once justified, you can find the video on this profile.

The movie has been universally panned by the audience. Currently sits at a disturbing 88% from critics and 3% from audiences on rotten tomatoes.

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Once again it shows how out of touch critics are. Sexualizing children normalized in their minds.
Everything is ok when it comes to art.
They arent even phased by the fact that these are real children on screen. Real little girls that are used by the movie makers as sexual objects to tell their story.
Just consider what the audition for this looked like. Children in small rooms dancing like strippers for those sick producer fucks. Adults telling 11 year old girls to touch themselves and move in sexually suggestive manner.

Their parents pimping them out for some money.
What kind of parent can sit there and watch their child being filmed simulating sex and touching themselves. Doing something they know will be shown across the world.

Some try to downplay it by saying: "Well, the message is important."
Theyre trying to point to children being sexualized by our culture and introduced to overly sexual content at a very young age. Their role models being sluts and date-rapists like Cardi B.


And that is true. Our culture has become so screwed up that people like that are the role models of our time.
But that still DOESNT give you the right to exploit children!

When is it ok to sexualize and use children for the purpose of telling a story?

The answer is NEVER! Its never ok!

Thats all that you need to know. The context doesnt matter, the story doesnt matter, the message doesnt matter.
Children should never be used like they have been in this movie.

And Netflix is distributing this shit. Theyre distributing this filth and profiting from it.


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