It's been a while!

Let’s HODL.jpg

I'm thinking about starting up my hodling project again but this time I'd like to focus on Hive Engine. I crashed and burned with my hodling just like the market did but now I'm getting excited about crypto again and want to dive back in.

This time around I plan on picking a few tokens and slowly buying and hodling them over time. I want to keep the investments extremely low but consistent. I'm thinking like a 1 HIVE buy everyday or 1 HIVE per token per week.

So right now I'm looking for a few hodl type tokens that I could be investing in. I've got a few I'm interested in like SPI, BRO & HBT but I'd really like to add a few more tokens to the list. Criteria is any token that we can hodl and hopefully increase in value from or earn from over the course of a year. We'll be avoiding tokens used for voting but I am open to mining.

I'd love to hear some suggestions as I look to start up the hodl train again!


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