BRO Price Explosion - Slight Alteration to Our Hive-Engine Hodl Plan

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Well I was just checking on all of the tokens I was aiming to start hodling on Saturday and noticed that the price of BRO has gone through the roof. I believe the BRO team said they were planning on selling 20,000 BRO and I'm guessing that they hit that mark and now the buy price of BRO has jumped from 2 HIVE up to 3.95 HIVE, yikes. I believe the team also said that any future BRO sales by them would start at 3 HIVE to give early adopters a little bit of a bonus.

With the large price increase I think I'm going to drop BRO from our token list on the Hive-Engine hodl project. I'm still hodling a decent stack of BRO on another project so I think that's where I will stay for the project right now.

So that means we now need to look at replacing BRO with another project or token on hive-engine. The first two tokens that are springing to mind are ARCHONM and WORKERBEE. This would give us two growth tokens and two miners plus the dCity project. This could be a nice balance and also a bit of competition between mining and growth tokens.

My second consideration is having a second dCity with a different focus/strategy. I've been playing around with a spreadsheet I made and came up with a really terrible idea for a city that would somehow be reasonably profitable. I'm super addicted to dCity at the moment so I kind of want to test out a few small city ideas at some point and this project would be a simple gateway for that.

Then again I could just do both ideas, which would give us two projects from each category, I think I like that approach. That would make the plan for hodling SPI, M, LEOMM, WORKERBEE, and 2 separate dCities. We'd check in on the projects once a week, compound any profits and report on where we are at.

I won't be starting until Saturday so I'm still open for any suggestions on hodl projects!


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