The Future of Social Media on Hive

Hive has long been touted as a Web3 social media platform that offers fast, free and scalable transactions.

These things are all true but the social media aspect of Hive has been lacking... the social part.

Long-form content is great and it will always have a place on Hive. That being said, we believe that long-form on Hive needed both a major revamp alongside the idea that long-form could not be the only type of content on Hive... IF we want Hive to be an actual social platform.

Ready to engage on Hive? Creators are earning thousands of dollars per month on Threads. Sign in using Hive Keychain, Hivesigner, LeoAuth or LeoInfra ->

Hive has lacked the social aspect for a long-time. Yes, you could comment and reply to comments underneath long-form posts but other than that, we have used Discord as a means of real-time communication, engagement and relationship-building forever.

Why haven't we moved these activities on-chain? Why are we not having conversations and interacting with each other directly on the Hive blockchain?

At LEO, we believe so firmly in both the technological and community attributes of Hive. Hive is such a unique ecosystem and it has so much to offer the world.

It's like a huge water pipe that offers so much potential waterflow... but nobody has built the right tools to allow the water to flow efficiently and effectively through the pipe.

Instead, Hive remains silo'd into communities that live primarily on Discord and then create long-form and interact in a non-real-time manner.

Enter Threads... They have completely changed this. You can now have real-time conversations on Hive. Directly on the blockchain.

We recently deployed over 100 updates to the UI throughout the course of July. If you are a Hiver and haven't used the UI in July... I highly recommend coming back and giving it a shot.

We are literally deploying updates on a daily basis. A mix of bug fixes and new features.

Project Blank's UI launched on May 1st and since then, the UI has gotten so many revamps and new feature adds. It's unrecognizable to the version we launched with as we emerged into Open Beta from the Alpha stage.

Real-Time Social Media

We just launched Real-Time Notifications and Real-Time Threads. These two updates bring a sense of instananeous engagement to the UI. What does this mean?

It means that you can open the UI and reply to threads / create threads. When other Hivers reply to you, you'll literally get instant notification pop-ups that you can click and reply to them back.

You can have real-time conversations with Hivers... all on-chain.

You can:

  1. Build relationships
  2. Build engagement
  3. Drive people to your long-form posts to upvote & reply to you
  4. Earn LEO and HIVE on your threads

and most importantly... do it all on the Hive blockchain!

Bringing the Social to Social Media

We have brought the social to social media on Hive. Before Threads, there was literally no means of real-time engagement and communication directly on the Hive blockchain.

Now, you can thread and build relationships here. You can also get real-time, high quality news information with our News2Threads protocol that brings real-time news and posts it on-chain from media outlets.

Crypto news. Business news. Fintech news. Political news. Sports news.

It's all getting indexed on the Hive blockchain.

Resource Credits and the Future of Hive

We're continuing to build out the UI and add more features. In the next few days, Communities on Hive will get their own threads feeds that they can moderate and curate.

This is going to be a breakthrough for ANY COMMUNITY on the Hive blockchain.

You will finally be able to ditch your Discord General chat as the primary means of real-time engagement and move a lot of that activity onto the Hive blockchain.

REAL ENGAGEMENT is long overdue on Hive. Resource Credits are the future value of the HIVE token and we believe that Threads will create one of the most astronomical demands for RCs as compared to any other Hive project out there.


Engagement costs something. You need RCs to post, thread, upvote and be active on

LeoFinance is busy building the future of social media on Web3 thanks to Hive as the backend layer. We are also busy building up a MASSIVE pool of Resource Credits for the future millions of users we aim to onboard to the Hive ecosystem.

Will you help us?
Will you engage on the Hive blockchain?
Do you believe Hive is worth building?
Do you believe we can onboard new Hivers?

We see so many Hivers that are not active on Threads. How is that possible? We're not quite sure. Maybe they got turned off from the experience in the early days of the UI because of bugs.

Those bugs have been fixed.

Maybe they don't know that Threads are not top-level posts. They are comments on-chain.

The issue of "posting too much" and hurting your autovote trails has been addressed.

Why are you not on Threads?

We're waiting for you, Hiver.

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.


Our Hive Applications

Join Web3:
Microblog on Hive:
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 3.8M HP
Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD:

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC):
PolyCUB (Polygon):
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO):

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