PolyCUB in News Feeds, New Listings and Driving Attention to LeoFinance's Web3 Ecosystem


PolyCUB's launch marked the important beginning of a lot of events for LeoFinance's Web3 Ecosystem. One of the most notable ones being our first organized press tour and push to connect with major outlets.

While at first glance many articles look like one-off promotions, if you dig deeper into what's happening then you'll see the larger plan at play.

PolyCUB has been our foot in the door with many of these outlets. In working with them one time, we've now collected a rolodex of contacts that we can continually leverage and go back to whenever we have any interesting new release.

For example, the upcoming release of LeoMobile V1 into the IOS and Android App Stores will be one of our next major press tours. Now, we've done all the leg work to have the contacts to push our press releases about LeoMobile V1 into these major outlets.

This is extremely exciting for a number of reasons. Let's dive into some of those in today's update.

Launch, Press Tour, Launch, Press Tour

If you've been paying attention to LeoFinance over the past several months, then you'll know that we've been in heavy development mode for the past 12-18 months. We've expanded our team in every possible direction - hiring on new talent at an exponential pace and building out a more organizational structure to handle our roadmap and collection of applications.

Parallel Development is a core tenet of LeoFinance. One of the main reasons for this is that developing multiple applications with multiple developers working on each allows us to roll out new features, new apps and bug fixes across the board at unprecedented rates.

For example, while building PolyCUB we were still able to develop new features for LeoMobile, bug fixes for LeoFinance.io and one of our most notable releases; a LeoInfra V3 upgrade that allowed Facebook Sign-Ups via IOS and Android.

Up until today, our releases have gone under the radar. That is, we've been building our apps and bug fixing them and making them better for the core community. We have not gone out of our way to market these releases to a broader audience.

With PolyCUB, we saw all of this change. We put our foot in the door of all of these major crypto news outlets and got the attention of a lot of different outlets, listing agencies and influencers.

Now that we've built this rolodex of contacts, we can easily go back to them with future press releases and do press tours for each major app / feature release.

This is extremely exciting to us. Especially considering that the next major press tour is likely to be about LeoMobile V1 hitting the app stores and being easy to download, sign up, create an account and start commenting and earning crypto.

The Future

We recently hired on 3 new developers who - as of literally this week - are onboarded and working on various aspects of the project (namely, LeoMobile, LeoFinance.io and PolyCUB).

Our dev team has expanded so much over the past 12 months. These latest 3 hires are in a long-line of our expansion plans. Our goal as an organization is to hire on somewhere between 12-15 new devs by year's end. A lot of this has to do with both ProjectBlank and our expansion into new DeFi opportunities across the blockchain space.

We've grown so much as an organization and a community but this is all just the beginning.

The team is currently working on a wide number of things but at the top of that list is LeoMobile and LeoFinance.io. We're making it easier than ever to sign up, sign-in and get onboarded.

There will be new prompts on both LeoFinance.io and LeoMobile.

The prompts on LeoFinance.io will be aimed at content creators. Driving them to create a profile and write their first post in order to earn crypto.

The prompts on LeoMobile will be aimed at content consumers. Driving them to read good content, upvote it and leave a comment in order to earn crypto.

We're preparing both of these for the massive press tour we're already planning for LeoMobile V1's release in IOS and Android app stores.

We believe that the mobile app will be one of our first forays into mainstream attention for LeoFinance's Social Layer. Our goal is to drive a massive # of new signups and ensure that the onboarding process to get them writing content or consuming and commenting on content is seamless.



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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