The LEO airdrop nobody is talking about

Authored by @silverstackeruk

Hello, LBI'ers. Today let us talk about the coming airdrops for LEO token holders. Everyone is very aware of the "mLEO" airdrop that is coming and LBI had stated its position on that. In the few days after the announcement of an announcement, staked LEO numbers went through the roof showing that people are very into this airdrop. However and as far as I am aware, LEO will be doing 2 airdrops. Maybe at the same time, maybe not, we wait for the news. The second airdrop will be something like LEO gov token and almost nobody is talking about it. I have not seen any questions from LBI tokens holders asking about LEO gov tokens in the comments and I think we should be interested in this one because it could offer us another way to produce LEO tokens passively. We have no idea what a mLeo will do when released but we can guess what an LEO gov token will be used for based on a few bits of information gathered from videos.


What are LEO gov tokens?
LEO gov tokens from what I am aware will be used to run LEO nodes which will help to decentralize the LEO sidechain that is currently being tested and they will be used toward decentralizing LeoFinance somewhat. The more people that run a LEO node, the more decentralized and secure the sidechain becomes and less likely it is to get hacked.

LEO governance voting could happen in a few ways but I think these 2 are most likely. 1, all LEO gov token holders will be able to take part in LEO governance voting or 2/ all LEO node operators will be able to take part in LEO governance voting sorta like HIVE witnesses.

Running a LEO node is a no brainer for us but we would need to think about actually using the LEO gov token for governance voting. My views are, LBI is an investment token and our goals are to produce a profit. We should be natural as not everyone that owns LBI thinks the same.

Example, LBI gets 210k LEO gov tokens and there's an important LEO governance vote taking place. The options to pick from are A,B & C. 40% of LBI tokens holders vote for A, 30% for B and 30% for C. LBI's 210k LEO gov vote would go toward option A which only 40% of people backed

Running a LEO node for a LEO sidechain would be a different thing altogether and could turn into a passive income for us. The details about how to run a LEO node, how many LEO gov tokens will be required to run 1 and if rewards are paid in LEO are LEO gov is something I am very interested to learn. It is possible LBI will be able to run more than 1 node which would decrease VPS costs.

Progress is happening on LEO
This is progress and if the LEO sidechain is connected to a DEX, I would assume cheaper fees and maybe more options for creating projects on top of it will follow. I remember back in the early days of leoDEX, they offered services to create rewards models for HE tokens. SPI was the first customer and project on HIVE to use the POH model that Gerber came up with for its dividends payments. A model that has been adopted by many projects since. As the price of HIVE dropped off, they pulled these services due to the space being used on servers and time required to maintain them all. Hive-engine is 2 years old and very limited to as what can be created on top of it for the average user with no technical background. In other words, we can create simple tokens. Remembering back to what leoDEX used to offer when it was first released leaves me with the hope additional services will be offered to basically outdo hive-engine and drive project operators to the LEO sidechain. With rumours of LEO defi, we could be in for some gaming changing stuff. I get a boner thinking about it and I've been touching the bottom of my table the past 5 minutes. Sorry, but I can't express my interest in LEO nodes and the coming sidechain in any other words.

Exciting times are ahead of us for 2021, must of us have been here from 2017-18 and we can predict what's coming between now and 31st Dec 2021. We are in a bullrun year and the madness has not begun yet. LeoFinanace has done very well at building its userbase and laying its foundations during the bear market. LeoFinance will in my mind continue to gain users and investors as it is currently the most innovative community on HIVE and they seem to run at 110% all the time.

Another important reason that makes LeoFinanace investable is Khal and the LEO team keep their ears close to the ground and communicate with users through releasing posts, vlogs, leaving commenting, tweets are on their discord server. By doing this coupled with the innovation they bring, they build huge trust with users and in turn gain more investment into the LEO token. As a broad example, would Telsa's market cap be as large of Elon Musk was a recluse? Would Facebook shares perform better if people liked Mark Zuckerberg and did not think he was a lizard man?

LeoFinance has for sure put itself in the best possible spot within the HIVE ecosystem to dominate the coming bull run. I look forward to Leo nodes and what the new sidechain will offer us. Im very interested to see what LEOdefi turns into and of course microblogging.

Thank you for taking the time to read through today's post. I thought some people might be interested in what the LEO gov could maybe offer us. Hope you enjoyed it. Screw it, everyone gets a non-transferable, non-claimable, valueless triple thumbs up tokens. That's half times more than most humans have, enjoy :)

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