How to write a well-written article?

One of the struggles of being a writer is how can we improve our article and get more readers. It is not easy as what you think and I am here to share my opinions and I hope that it can help you even little information.

Disclaimer: The written content on this article is based on author's opinion. It depends on you if you will believe and apply it. I'm open for a feedback.

How to write a well article?

1. Know your line of interest
In writing an article, you need to know your niche and what are the topic that you interested in so you will not be having a hard time when you are writing it. Let us use “Choosing your degree in college” as an analogy. When you are choosing a degree or course in college, you probably choose the course where you are interested so you will have a chance to survive in college. In writing, we can also apply it to make our life easier. Imagine that you love writing an article about health issues or health related topics but you will write an article about cryptocurrency, do you think you can write it immediately? Obviously no since you don't have an idea on it compared to health-related topics that you love.

2. Lessen your grammatical and typographical error.
Errors are inevitable. It is normal that you will have an error when you are writing but do you think your readers will be happy and satisfied if your content has a lot of errors? I think they will not. As for me, it is better if you will use a platform where they can scan your spellings, grammar, plagiarism checker and etcetera. In my case, I am using Proofread app when checking the grammar and spellings. They have a smooth and user-friendly surface that's why it is easy to use. I would also recommend to use Grammarly as one of the best tool in checking your grammars and spellings. Ironically, this article would also have errors but always remember what I've said, errors are inevitable. It is normal but keep it lessen.

3. Planning
Not only structures have a plan, but our contents must have a plan. Everything in this world needs a plan to be successful and to have a plan, you should have an idea about your topic that's why you need to know your line of interest. When you are planning, the flow of your article was on it so obviously, you need to create a flow, where your article will start and how it will end.

4. Make an outline
After making a plot and a plan. The next step will be writing your outline or creating your outline. Creating an outline is very helpful because it can help you to write what you want and it can also help you not to forget your ideas. Personally, I am making an outline every time I write since I'm a type of person who always forget my ideas, I am always writing my ideas in chronological order and start the writing process. In making an outline, always remember that it is on chronological order, so it is easy to understand and give the readers a better experience.

5. Quality over quantity
The number of words and length of your articles aren't important as what you think. In blogging, you need to deliver what you want to say in a quick way and how can you explain it by yourself. It should also clear and direct to the point so the readers will not confuse on your main topic and subject. In my opinion, 500 words are already enough as long as you manage to explain what's your point and include everything such an information so we can call it as an article. What's the point of an article that has 1500 words if the content is not clear, right?

6. Do not compare your work to others
Comparing your work to other's work will not lead you to a perfect content but instead, it will result to an unpleasant content. Each of us has different and unique way on how can we deliver our article or how can we explain things that's why you need to know your line of interest at first so you can easily apply it on your contents.

7. Information to Conclusion
The chronological order of your content is also important because it can make your article clear and systematic. Personally, I am writing an article in a sequence like information to conclusion or information, opinion, then conclusion. The information are important, so it can make your points stronger, while your opinions can help to encourage your readers to believe on what's written on your article (in positive way) lastly, write your conclusion or how you come up on that conclusion.

8. Read and write
The most important way to write a well-written article is to read and to write. Reading articles are always worth it because you will gain a knowledge and also improve your vocabulary. Meanwhile, writing can also enhance your skills and improve your content slowly. Personally, when I joined on this platform, I said to myself that I can't do this since my weakness are English and writing but as the time goes by, you will learn and love writing.

Closing thoughts
Writing a content is not a joke. Be mindful in the information that you include especially if it is health-related. Also, make sure that your sources are reliable so we can avoid “fake news”. Don't forget to include the sources to give a credit to the authors and avoid plagiarism.

Everything will undergo in a process. At the end of the day you will be in shock that you are writing a good quality content without noticing it. Always trust yourself and do your best to improve yourself.

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