Top Tips to Start, Improve or Maintain a Beautiful and Productive Garden

Lemmon, Pomegranate,Avocado, Paw Paws.JPG
Our home-garden in Australia took us nearly 3 years of daily work to turn it from a barren-lifeless one into an entertaining, very productive and comprehensive one and you can do it too!. Main ingredients are : Love, Consistency and Care.

With fruit, veggies and food' prices skyrocketing, high inflation concerns world-wide, issues with contamination, pollution and pesticides use, dirty tactics by supermarkets and retailers to sell more and also the need for an inspiring, entertaining and productive place for you and family, start, improve or maintain our gardens is becoming increasingly important.
op recommendations based on research, trial and our successful experience :

1- Preparation Process :

1.1 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for yourself :

Wide hat covering ears and neck, sunnies, sun screen, gardening gloves, long pants, long sleeves shirt, socks, enclosed shoes, drink water before start.
Gardener PPE.png
1.2 Handy tools :

Rake, round-hand shovel, hand trowel, garden fork, pruning shears, mattock, shovel,watering can or hose, buckets, pots, water tanks and wheel-barrow (for larger gardens) .

1.3 Improve and maintain soil quality by composting daily or frequently :

Keep food scraps, garden waste and lawn-mowing in containers.

Make sure to separate what to compost and what not to (check below).

Human urine contains Nitrogen and elements that speed up the breaking down process.

Set up a Worm Farm is a very brilliant idea.
Worm farm.jpg
1.4 Make a hole on the soil of 20 cms to 40 cms in depth, remove ALL small or big rocks, piece of metals, plastic or solids found there and then put the compost in and cover it.

This practice guarantees micro-nutrients growth and a healthy soil, where roots can move and strive easily later on.

1.5 Clear signs of a healthy soil :

Presence of worms, darker colors and frogs

2- Start small or select area by area

3- Pick up a sunny spot (required by fruit and veggies trees)
Plant one type of fruit tree first.

4- Decide what to grow :

Season veggies and herbs with great nutritional value like onion, garlic, coriander, chilli, tomatoes, cucumber, parsly, mint or celery produce within a few weeks to 3 months.
Coriander and Onion.JPG
Strawberries can grow on either pots or ground and are quick producers.

Watermelons require support fo the vines only.

Lemon, apple or mango grow fast but take 3 to 5 years to produce, Banana produces within 6 months to one year with its new generation growing next to (leave maximum 3 per area).
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5- Water and prune as required.

6- Pest control :

Use tea bags and white vinegar mixed with water to spray on some types of pest and plants if appear.
Disclaimer : Always do your own research or consult a professional. ALL our content is for educational purposes only.

Thanks for reading.

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