Phisher Watch: Airdrop Scams

One of the methods that has become popular lately with this combination is the so-called "Airdrop scam". A common airdrop scam is to release new malicious tokens, send them to user accounts, and rely on users who are researching what this secret token is in order to deceive those users. So read on for a brief article.

> here is usually video made by Shit coin detective! Check this out.

You can see a video exploration of one such scam here:

Watch this video

No paid content, No Script, All opinion

Shitcoin Detective is an independent crypto channel, that is created to contrast:

  • Scammers, who rugpull a hundred tokens from under your feet
  • Influencers, who drop their bag on you
  • Telegram channels with "No FUD" policy
  • Developers, who cash out when their coin moons, without delivering on any of the promises
  • Youtube channels, who only make content if you pay them

I never ask for your money, or to invest into something. Be aware that scammers have tried to impersonate me.

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