Spice up your Contents and be Well Informed with Leoglossary





Creating contents on Hive is a mix of fun, stress, stress and STRESS!


A quality content will actually stress you a little or it will stress you so much. This is because to give out quality you need to go through the process of conception of ideas, arrangement of thoughts, actual composition of words, arrangement/citation of facts and external materials, proofreading before publishing.


That’s a long process.

But, overall, the ultimate goal is for our message to be well received and for our readers to relate well with what we have published… (and well, lets not also forget the rewards part)



But let me ask you:

Have you been in a situation where you intend to define certain words in your post, but the English dictionary does not do justice to its definition?

A situation where you need a technical meaning of a word, but then you are presented with only a general or myopic response?

That hurts, right?

You know that having a better understanding of some words like Web 3, Scalability, Mortgage or Layer 2/Second Layer, ignites us to be more creative in our writing and gives us more ideas as well.

Don't you know?

Or let’s say, you are reading through someone else’s post and then he or she uses a word in the post that you would like to know more about. But looking up those words in your dictionary, you find a different meaning and not the technical or contextualized meaning that you need.

Emotional Daaaaamaaaaage!

That shit really hurts!



One thing I love about the Leoverse is that they, no WE… we try to devise wonderful methods to help ourselves grow and become the better version of ourselves.

In this case, the Leoverse also has what we need to overcome worrisome situations like this: The Leoglossary.

You can picture the Leoglossary as a Resource Center, Central Bank of Words and Educational Centre.

The Leoglossary gives us that technical understanding and definition of words that we cannot find in dictionaries. It explains it to us and keeps us well informed about the subject matter. Hence, it is a learning center, a learning point and one which both authors and readers should get accustomed to reading in order to get a better understanding of the word or words.

Lest I forget to remind you, the Leoglossary focuses on words that are related to finance, investment, money, cryptocurrency and blockchain terms, banking terms and many more.



Just like I said in the introductory aspect of this post, creating contents involve lots of processes and one of such is the composition of actual words and the arrangement/citation of facts and external materials.

Hence, in this case, the Leoglossary comes very handy to me in two ways:

  • The first way is during the composition of the post: While composing a post, I may come across some words which I need to read up to understand the concept better. When I do this, it gives me a well-informed knowledge of the word, and gives me better ideas to add to my writing. After reading up, I may quote the meaning for my readers to benefit from the knowledge, or I will embed the link in the word so that when you click on the word, it will take you to the page on leoglossary for you to be well-informed also.

  • The second way is during proofreading: By this time, I am actually done with writing the post but not yet published. When I read through the post to correct words, grammar and punctuations, I also check out some words that need further emphasis. If there is any, I will also link it up with the page on leoglossary for my readers to click on the words for better explanation from the leoglossary.




The first tab by the left is where I do the actual writing and editing of my Hive/Leo post, and the second tab by the right is where I make reference to the Leoglossary Bank

The easiest way I do it is that I create a second tab on my browser while writing my Hive or Leo post. The first tab will be where I am doing my actual editing of the text for publication, while the second tab will be for my leoglossary. I can easily click on the tab for leoglossary and follow the three steps:

1. find the word(s) you need.


I need to use the word Scalability. So I will click on the word Scalability

2. Read the short description about the word to know more. Then copy the web link of the Leoglossary word from the web browser.


You know your web link sits right above: leofinance.io/@leoglossary.... etc

3. Embed the web link in the word in your Hive/Leo writing or editing page.


If you don't know how to embed links in words, use the draft code below to learn

[Write the title here](put the link here)

Remember not to separate the []()


That’s All!

Easy Peasy!



The Leoglossary project is indeed beneficial to the Leoecosystem in two ways:

  • The first, like I've already mentioned, is that it serves as an educational center, a resource center, reference centre or bank which provides Lions with well-informed knowledge about the word(s). With this, we get a better understanding and technical meaning of these word(s).

  • It helps in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of user's contents. What this means is that, the more you link your content/post with relevant links, the more your post will be easier to find from Google, Bing and other external search engines. Hence, your content will have a better ranking.

Hence, this drives traffic and engagement to Leofinance content from other search engines. Which means not only Hive/Leo users get to see your contents, but your content can also pop up for those who search for articles and ideas from Google and other search engine.

Drawing traffic to the Leoverse helps increase the popularity of Leoverse, and this can also help in onboarding some readers into this lovely and strong financial community, the same way people get to join quora.com and other communities that they stumble up on during their searches.

Onboarding amazing users on the Leoecosystem would translate to getting more quality financial post, and can increase the demand for $Leo to power Up.

Since LEO is a strong force built on Hive, its progress is bound to support in the growth of Hive. Search Engine Optimization of Leo post, translates to bringing traffic to the Hive Ecosystem as well, since LEO is under Hive. Hence, the demand for Leo Power goes hand in hand with the demand for Hive Power, hence increasing the demand for $Hive.


You know I can't end this post without mentioning the fact that this wonderful initiative, Leoglossary Project, was started by @tasmaster4450le about 2 months ago, and it has grown to this extent.

You can do well to read more of his thoughts, aims and future goals of the Leoglossary project in his post on the idea and future goals of Leoglossary.

Also remember that it is a work in progress and the team makes constant effort to add more words and keep us updated. I hope one day, the Leoglossary will develop to the extent that there will be a search box where I can easily type the words I need and it will pop up.

This post was inspired by the wonderful HODL & LEO CONTEST For week 4 organised by @hodlcommunity @leofinance and @idiosyncratic1

Well, I missed the submission deadline. But, I decided to take my time to write and share this wonderful post for knowledge and awareness sake.

I hope you hop in to the subsequent contests by the wonderful @hodlcommunity as it is both fun and enriching.

  • Designs created with Canva Mobile App
  • Screenshot of Leofinance frontend taken from my mobile phone


I may not be your favourite author, but you can journey with me to help me develop my writing skills. I am always open to criticism, correction and learning 🥰.

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