LeoGlossary Update: Future Plans

The LeoGlossary project is really shaping up nicely. This is something that is designed to make a long term difference on Leofinance.

We are now coming to the end of our second week. A lot went into the basis of the project so far with more to come.

According to the first post, which happens to be the Main Menu, the @leoglossary project is now 13 days old.


To go from nothing to where we stand today is really showing how this can blossom.

For this reason, I wanted to give an update of a few things.

LeoGlossary on CTT

I appeared on the latest episode of CTT with @starkerz and @theycallmedan. Both were a bit taken aback by the project and really feel it has potential, not only for Leofinance but also Hive.

Since there is no centralized marketing department, it is up to us, the community, to do what we can to drive traffic to this blockchain. The applications are going to be the driving force and hopefully we can put Leofinance at the center of it all.

One of the keys to this is to be a model of what can be done using Hive as a decentralized database. Since it is permissionless, as long as there are enough Resource Credits, anyone can do this.

Obviously, the end game is to get Leofinance ranking in the search engines by providing a ton of internal links along with being relevant in many categories related to finance, investing, and cryptocurrency.

Success Story

I try to chronicle some success stories as they appear. Naturally, being so early with new content, it is going to take some time for LeoGlossary to truly appear.

This is not much of a problem since it buys us time to keep building the links, expanding the basis a great deal more.

That said, we are getting a few tidbits that are exciting.

An noted in another post, there was a LeoGlossary ranking on the top of one of Bing's page. The term Great Financial Crisis ended up tied to a book that was being promoted on there and ended up with top ranking.

Now we have another one to add to the list.

This one is also on Bing.


This is a screen shot of Page 2 of Bing under Fiat Currency.

While it isn't Google and not top ranking stuff, it is a step in the right direction. Considering we just started 2 weeks ago, we will take the baby steps were are achieving.

Terms And Links

The Main Menu page now has over 350 terms on it. This is the foundation of the project, something that will keep being pushed.

My goal here is to no come up for air until there are over 1,000 terms on the Main Menu. Depending upon the block size and how things look, we might end up having to break things up a bit into separate pages.

Either way, there will be plenty of terms to utilize in all your articles and comments.

In addition to the terms, there are over 3,000 links in the definitions an explanations. It is hard to judge exactly how many but some of the write ups have over 20 links in them alone. All of this is relating back to other Leofinance URLs.

This is the essence of internal link building. It is one of the reasons why sites like Investopedia and Wikipedia top many (most) search engine results.

Look at the first paragraph from Alan Alda's Wikipedia page:


There are over 20 links in that paragraph alone. Go through any page on there and you see dozens of links to other Wikipedia content.

This is what needs to be done on Leofinance.

Hive Related Content

Over the next week, some of the focus will be on Hive related content. So far, there are a few links that are directly applicable to Hive.

More will be added.


This is where I am going to be reaching out to the community. Over the next couple week, I will be asking for someone(s) who is knowledgeable about Splinterlands if they want to assist in the project.

The goal is to set up a Splinterlands page that is tied to @leoGlossary so that it can be a reference center for those interested in that game. After all, it is the #1 blockchain game, something that is very important to Leofinance.

Anyone who is familiar with the different terms and aspects of the game, hit me up on Discord.

I see this as another area to get Leofinance ranking, by using Splinterland terms.

What The Community Can Do To Help

This is very simple: start optimizing all the Leofinance content you can. There are a number of ways to do this by using the links provided on the Main Menu page:

  • Add the links to each new article you write
  • Use the links in comments especially if the article you are commenting upon is not optimized
  • Go back through some of your older posts, adding links to the words already in there
  • Start sharing the links out on social media

Here is a question for everyone: what do these people have in common?

They all are optimizing their content while putting together quality posts. For this, I hit them up with some adding voting power. I can tell you, optimized comments will receive double LP upvotes from me.

Optimized content helps out Leofinance, which helps out the entire community. Those who are doing it will be supported. Over time, I can foresee where it is not sensible to support any non-optimized content with upvotes.

The resources are being built. @khaleelkazi even mentioned having the Leofinance front end designed to incorporate the linking option as the words are typed. Since we now this is not buried in the Sooniverse, it is best to start using the Main Menu page.

Together we can make Leofinance content very relevant and start establishing it as a knowledge resource center.

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