Scrambling to BTFD as We Dance Sideways

The diamond hand apes had their day early yesterday. It was a moment of glory. The FOMO was rushing hard. People on discord were a bit giddy.

Where did the moon go?

But unfortunately there wasn't a sustained moon. The sideways dance started soon enough with a testing of the ceiling at $3. Then the dumpers took over shortly after as the apes tried to keep the upward movement. Maybe the apes could have kept the dance going sideways, but alas, that wasn't the case.

It's kind of hard to do, ya know, when someone dumps 35,000 CUB at once (apparently, I have not verified). The tables got flipped in an instant. Apes got muscle in their diamond paws, but it has it's limits. The mighty flying diamond hand Toruk ape (aka @onealfa) can't keep this afloat themselves either.

Rock, paper, ape

Sometimes paper is strong than diamonds, at least when you have a 35 ton piece of paper going up against some small diamonds. After that major toilet paper dumping, the apes were still battling to reach the moon. Though other paper hands were on the job as well.

I woke up today to see the dance continued into the night. These players party all night long. The diamond glow faded to the paper wiping hands though as the afternoon arrived and soon the downward swing was upon us again.

But, fear not, I chopped off my hands and upgraded to some diamond paws as well.

Yup, that was me. CUB was in the mid $2.50ish range. It was looking like a good time to BTFD - buy the fucking dip! Who knows, maybe ol' Toruk was gonna pump shit up again and there would be a big missed opportunity. Maybe it's just pure FOMO, but it seemed like a good buy, so I went for it!

The scramble

I had about 0.12 BTC in an exchange, and some EOS. Combined, I sold it for some BNB and transferred it to my BSC address.

But getting my hands on some CUB wasn't so easy. Ya see, there was some heavy BSC network issues today. People were trying to do stuff all over the BSC network, and it was hard to even exchange tokens you have in your wallet.

After about a half hour of trying, I finally got the BNB to exchange into CUB. Success! I had over 7,300 CUB and the price of CUB jumped up a bit. @edicted called it mere splash, and so be it. But that was me putting a decent green bar on the downward pressure! Up to $2.70 CUB went!

But that was it for me. My diamond paws were beat and I had no more love to give CUB. The dumpers kept at it and CUB has since come back down to the mid $2.50s range.

Wen moon?

The die-harders are being outnumbered by the quick-money makers it seems. Wen moon? Not yet. It's looking like the moon is gonna be hiding for a while. It seems the downward pressure has a lot of support behind it to keep things going sideways, if not down.

I expect some dancing sideways or more downward pressure from the dumpers for a while yet. At least a few days, maybe weeks or more. The more utility comes out for CubDeFI the better it will look for the moon to rise. The bridge is coming soon. And I think we can expect more stuff like lending, farming other crypto and more from the talented hands or Mr. @khaleelkazi.

Maybe I jumped the gun too quick on the BTFD FOMO and Toruk will swoop in for another pump. I was hoping for that today to make some quick gains, but I didn't wait around to find out ;)

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