Vedas and the Birth of Hinduism: Insights into Ancient Indian Religion

A country that has geological jewels and culture it is the birth place of one of the oldest religions and is rising rapidly . To become a world force in trade and commerce from ancient movement and tarish places from greate wealth to poverty a country that has withnessed a turbulent history of war famina and extremes of wealth this is the history of india in the 5th and 6th century AD there lived a man by the name of aryabhatta often considered a genius of its time his mathematical process deciphered the volume of pie he described a model of the solar system and even has a space craft named after him he was a man of skill and knowledge . When he considered he obviously had no access to be calculator or computer .


In the region surrounded the indus vally river a civilization emerged theindus vally otherwise known as the harappa civilization archaeologists discover over 1500 sites the largest cities being mohenjo - daro and harappa these cities at urban planning elaborate baked brick buldings and sunitation system they conducted trade with the sumeria civilizaton of mesopotamia and has a writing system that remains undeciphered archaeologists have uncovered that this greate civilization housed urban planning an commercial entrprise but it slowly fell into decline and ultimately disappeared after the indus vally cities were abandoned there was a migration of indo - aryans into the indian subcontinent .

These migrants were knows to introduce the ancient religious texts knows as the vedas which were to define religious tneth for hindus the vedic period flourished from 1500 BC to 500 BC it was also around this time that the caste system was developed the caste system which wasa class system determined by birth created a hierarchy of brahmins or priests kshayriyas or warriors and kings next come the vashyas or skilled workers and merchants and then finally the sutras or labour's farmers and unskilled workers towards the ends of this period the aryans spread from the panjab region to the ganga rivers where several kingdoms formed the nanda empire subjugate the surrounding kingdoms but would soon be over thrown by chandra gupta .


After his conquests chandra gupta encountered seleucus a general of alexander the greate who had establised an empire for herself a peace treaty was signedwith in marriage between the royal families and the gift of 500 elephants . Chandra gupta's grandson ashoka expanded the mauryan empire and waged a great war agaist the state of kalinga killer a hundered thousand soldiers on the both sides followig his conqeust ashoka become a devot follower of the buddha's teachings for the rest of his 36 years reignashoka took a vow of non - violence and spread buddhism throughout his realm .

However fifty years after his death the subcontinent fractured into multiple kingoms once more mean while the south india was controlled by the tamil kingwho reigned over three states disagreement were rife and war was frequently waged agaist each other where they excelled in trade it was between 4th & 5th centure AD that india was widely acknowledged to have entered a golden age with the rise of the gupta a period of invention and discovery in science technology engineering mathematics astronomy art and literature was born all these fields saw an explosion of understanding and knowledege and set the mark of the world to follow it i also belived the game chess was invented in this period following the collapse of the gupta empire there followed centuries of multiple kingdomes .

Direct rules of india with queen victoria being declared empress of india in 1876 . During world war one over a million indians saw combat on the westen front the mesopotamian campaign east africa egypt and gallipai claming the live of 75000 people shortly after the end of the world war one .

Muslims moving between the newly create nation in india and pakistan in 1971 east pakistan was formed into the country of bangladesh and to this day tensions between pakistan and india remain tense today india is the world's largest democracy with a rapidly growing economy science and technology achivement are both ancient


India is also the birthplace of hinduismm and many follow its pratices throughout the world india today . It is a sevent largest country by area and the first largest country by popluation it cannot be denied that india today as much to offer the world in the decades up


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