Sounds of Civilization: Tracing Music's Origins and Evolution

It's birth 200000 years ago and it death in 2008 yes music died in 2008 it was so quikly he probably didn't even notic i will also officially rank the 5 best musical pieces in human history i've been a doctor in music history for five almost 6 weeks. We need to start with pre history .

probably want me to start talking about singing animals or even the Neanderthal who had instruments very early on the first musician was born two hundred thousand years ago his name was ug also the most famous musician of all time as all of humanity knew him he invented music by finding out slapping your hands music by finding out slapping your hands together made noise his first song appealed to teenagers at the time it was called only two jobs .

We begin in ancient mesopotamia where they invented the first instrument that required skill the harp the only acient instruments people learn today without some dumb roles aspects how could it have survived so long because it sounds so beautiful . Kosar know it's so heavy people who played it as oppsed to other instruments he couldn't stop someone from playing it lifting heavy things was also the favorite pastime in ancient egypt .


Invented by a cow yet it inspired the world leading into ancient times on the other side of the pond the greeks would bet everything on one instument the zeus demned liar on every pot some pottery bombs with a liar it would be present in every aspect of life work funerals sending cidren to be killed by a minataure but obviouly therehis one aspects ancient greece has a very specific stereotypes about it which might explain why the invented the musical .

The beautiful screams of his enemies man everythingws awful the middle ages and all europeans had were craig orient chace today referred to as halo music sir youtube do you seriously consider 1 , 2001 video game on the same level as music thatdominated european culture for hundreds of years yes . Let's go to the desert in 610 archanged gabriel besieged the man a cave and told him the word of god he did not inform him what to think of music this ha caused a discussion among muslim scolars most asy we like music it's not haram but many say it's the noise of drunk arts .

It was looking bright but it was missin a capital city classical era yes they called it the classical era at the time they just knew this was 1700 the age of hip cannons and pirates rum for everyone but what if you find the sea spooky like all austrians you have to find a new hobby one alleged aussie invented the symphony philippuon killian . What is a symphony well imagine if you had a lot of instruments now imagine if you had more that is a symphony .


2000s people often say music used to be better but let's be honest this was the age of the black eyed peas piracy made music unprofitable when you download a c song lost $ 20 the only way to make money by selling ringtone but why would anyone wants quality when you could get crazy frog of course there was still room for music with a purpose people were making runescape videos .

The 20th century classical music is written between 1901 and 2000 . Minimalsim went on to become on e of the dominant force in contemporary music it's after effect sometimes called poat minimalism can still be heard in composers like john luther adam and david lang . So calle holy minimalists like arvid pet john tavenner and henrik gretzky use simiar techniques to more spiritual ends in europe composers attended the new researc cnter built by pierre boulez aircam and out of that emerged what become known as the spectral school compositions by people like tristan murai and jared greezy that re - examined the building blocks of sound with the age of computer and attempted to build new sound world out of them lovie grayson fused aspects of minimalism with jazz and european modernism other compsers like harrison burt whistla in the UK .


As we near the century's end it be becomes harder to pick out trends and composers that we can be confident will from an important part of theory thomas edison astoundingly accomplished compose his works like those of strauinsky in trust of coal which managed to be both electric and instantly recognizeable at the same time in 2018 he's one of the world leading composers but his first major orchestral success a silo just sneaks into our century with a premium in 1999


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