From Maharaja's Menagerie to Modern Marvel: The Story of Mysore Zoo

The zoo is a place where animals are kept. It is a man-made world of animals. Mostly part of the zoos are covered with trees and plants like a forest so, the animals can feel safe and a home. If you all know there is a zoo in India's southwest Karnataka state and if you don't know don't wore i will tell you about it.

In the early morning at the mysure zoo and the beginning of a new day. This zoo is one of the oldest in india and was establish in 1982 by the 23rd Maharaja of mysore Sri charma rajendra woodyard during his time it occupied just 10 acres of land but over the year it has expanded tenfold and is now home to over 150 species of animal from India and around the world including wallabies and cassowaries from australia hyenas rhinos wild dogs and elephants from Asia giraffes, zebra, cheetahs, and hippos from africa. The zoo is hot just renowned for its diverse animal collection but also forits stately gardens designed almost a centure ago by the eminent botanist and garden designer g h krumbagel these expansive grounds are metiulously maintained to this day.


Another historical landmark is the tandi sarak which kept the kept the kept the king shaded as he rode in and out of his nearby summer palace in todays you can experirnce both the old world harm of the maharajas and the excitement of a moden 200 and is visited by over 3 million people every year.

Among the most popluar animal in our zoo are the big cats. The glass frontage of our cheetah and lepard enclosures provides an amazing viewing experience. One fact that you may not be aware of is that unlike in the old days zoo in india are no longer permitted to capture animals from the wild for exhibition so to ensure that we alawys have a variety of animals we depends on exchange programes with other zoos as well as capitive breeding.

animals borns and raised in captivity are well adjusted to zoo life and thrive when provide proper care this include spacious enclosures enriched with features that simulate nature habitats. The gore are the largest wild cattel in the world a bull stands six feet at the shoulder and weighs close to a ton, they also have the smallest herbivores in the world the indian mauster an adult like this one stands just 13 inch all and weighs a 3 kilos.

When you see healthy and happy animals at a zoo it's thanks to the elaboate management protocals we have in place which are implemented by a stff of nearly 300 people. Kepping encloures cleans and regularly disinfected forms a large part of every keepr's duties. Preventives medicine 2 is a crucial aspect of animals health care routine

The zoo hospital also houses our animals orphanage there you can also see a haviest snake in the world the green anaconda from south america or the longest venomous snake asia's king cobra a male like this one can grow to 18 feet in lenght. Our walk in viaries are also popular as they allow visitors to stroll among the birds. The zoo has been a greate venve for inspining a love for nature in young minds every years since 1992 about 60 student have been hand picked for a year long programe involve lectures and field visits the student are tought various aspects of nature conversation which will instill a life long empathy for the natural world. They also pride them selves as a clean and green zoo and recycle much of the organic waste that is generated.


The keepers have their work cutout cleaning these mini mountains of tounguse ween sure that none of this waste goes to waste from the pens her bivore dung is sent to a vermi composting yard where it is slowly converted to a rich nature fertilizer that keeps our garden lush and lovely.

They also have great varity of trees from all over the worlds some are as old as the zoo itself for over century these grounds with thier magnificant trees and animals have been an important part of mysuru's rich heritage. It has been their constant endeavor to provide the best condition for our animals and to ensure that visitors have a memorable day at zoo. We are immensely proud that what started as a maharaja's private managerie has envolve into a vibant and dynamic public institution.

Thank you people for giving your precious time to reading my blog. I hope this will make you feel good and see you on my next blog. I will upload my work very soon stay tuned for that.

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