Decoding Directing: The Creative Visionaries of Cinema

Hi , today we are taking about what directing is and what a directed does so a europe and a bit ago i did a tutorial slash teacher video about what a producer actually does and just kind of sat there with a couple hundred viwes on it for six months and then suddenly it exploded it's getting thousand and thousand of views every week so i figured i would do a follow - up for it because people obuiously curious about this stuff .

About what director does is very difficult to define because so much of what a director does on set typically is also the producers roles only on you know big sets or ruth's really supportive proucers does the director just get too direct.


So let's talk about what director is directing is the head creative position on a flim set we as directors the person responsible fpr the final creative out come of the flim that means we either choose script adapt a script or write a script and then we choose to employ the rest of the head department heads.

So we choose cinematographer to production design a wardrobe designer casting director second unit director and probably most importantly the actors and pretty much everyother key creative position on the film we hire those people we chew we look at the people's reels resumes and they go we bring them in for meeting we tell them what our vision for the film is we may you know a direction may give the russian designer you know another movies or a photographs or a collage or a piece of musical or anything that they're trying to infuse this story with the department head then comes back with different option we do it like this we could do lik this and then the director to make this based on those options .

How the department heads russian designer cinematographer wardobe will use their craft technical know how to fulfill that creative idea then the director cost the film they look at head shots and sheral's to work out who they want to audition .

They look at the auditions to work out who they want to call back and they look at the callback and they look at the callbalks of who theywant to actually cast they then get all the actors together do a table read give them notes just always shaving this creative idea and they create a vision that they have for the movies then they organise rehearsals .

The actors come and go through the scences typically the directors has total freedom to change the lines of the script if they want change where the scenes take place she change the setting of the sence then everyone show up to set hopefully everything looks like the director want it to look if it doesn't he get to tell people to change it then you typically block the scene with the actors and the cinematographer the cinematographer suggests where to put the camera what lens to put on the camera .


how to move the camera the director either approves i'll ask to change it then the cinematographer with the gappa lights the scene a semi trogrefer with the grips plan how to move the camera whether it's on dally track or on an arm or a movie or handheld or a steadicam all of which the director will supervise by watching on the monitor then they go a head and eventually do a take and how we get to the real creative power of the director

I fall of that lead up wasn't enough the director how gets to watch that take and the director getsto watch that take and the director how gets to say is it what i wanted or do we do it again and if we do it again how do we change it this is why cinema is such a director's medium it's not like theater where the director rehears is the actors and then once the curtain goes up they basically just have to watch the director after every take gets to say let's move on or let's do it again and if we're doing it again how are we changing it that's an incrediblle power it seems so pedestraian to us nothing goes forword without the direct without the direstor being happy with what they've done if the actor can't give the performance the director once he gets to asked for him to try again or heard it right again and angain if the director doesn't feel asthugh the actor is gonna give them what they want the director has to fire that actor . So that's all about directors and what they do .

Thank you people for giving your precious time to reading my blog. I hope this will make you feel good and see you on my next blog. I will upload my work very soon stay tuned for that.

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