Bitcoin Allows You To Discover Your Inner Genius

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"We don't require any education." We don't require thought control... "Leave those kids alone, teacher!"

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., writes an opinion editorial with a background in psychology and human development.

Pink Floyd's 1979 rock opera hit "Another Brick in the Wall" questioned authoritarianism and modern education's rigidity.

The song captures the dysfunction of the school system, which continues to this day. The various state, local, and federal governments regulate and control public schools in the United States. The education system, which is funded by taxes and fiat money (declared by decree, with no intrinsic value), is based on the notion that students are born with no innate skills, strengths, or personality traits.

This philosophy, which denies each child's inherent uniqueness, has been incorporated into the curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grade through initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Prescribed academic standards are applied uniformly to all children, and all schools are required by law to test all students annually.

Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator, criticized the way mainstream schools teach students to the test, referring to it as "the banking concept of education," in which teachers deposit information into students' minds. This approach to education encourages conformity while suppressing students' independent thinking and creativity.

As the centrally managed education system turns young people into cogs in the wheel of The State apparatus, a new type of learning environment is emerging centered on bitcoin, the most difficult currency ever.

Money Creation as a Process of Discovery

For the first time in history, Bitcoin made it possible to separate money and the state. Bitcoin also provides a break from the financial model of teaching because to its distinctive monetary structure.

A new type of asset-based currency is emerging: bitcoin. Given that there is a fixed supply of 21 million bitcoin, it has value.

Bitcoin involves a process of discovery in the creation of money. Unlike the fiat monetary system, which creates money out of thin air, mining is how satoshis are created. Computers all over the world participate in a process that uses the SHA-256 hash function to issue new coins, using game theory to ensure fairness and a set of predetermined rules.

The enigmatic architect of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, has created a new learning environment that anybody may engage voluntarily by sparking the spirit of play and involving them in the process of creating money.

The value of the 21 million bitcoins is similar to a treasure being slowly unlocked and made available to humanity. Proof-of-work, a consensus mechanism, enables each participant in the network to participate in the search for this hidden wealth. As the course of the treasure hunt, participants gain new skills, strengthen their ability to work in a team, and develop collaborative problem-solving abilities.

The Modern Gift Economy

Bitcoin encourages enterprise and innovation. We are able to think freely, invent novel ideas, and experiment with them thanks to the new employment and opportunities that are being created. Here, each person can set their own standards for success and seek to live up to them with honest feedback from the free market, as opposed to working to fulfill the criteria imposed by others.

By encouraging everyone of us to discover the talents and skills we were all born with, this is now fostering a new kind of gift economy. It has revived the fundamental idea of education, which derives from the Latin word "educare," which means to nurture our innate nature and unleash the brilliance within.

A sensei that does not wield authority is bitcoin. The protocol upholds the integrity of the educational setting instead of giving instructions from teachers. Bitcoin tells us that we are naturally talented and born to do the things we love. The network encourages each of us to discover what we enjoy doing.

With the advent of Bitocoin's new gift economy, work started to change from pointless labor to vocation. People started to follow their hearts and choose the route that leads to their own personal greatness as if they had been summoned by Bitcoin's inventor.

The Foundation for the Future
Because institutionalized education downplays individuality, it has led to a general lack of imagination. It has caused our society to deteriorate, to develop a debt-based economy that extracts rather than produces, and to place a greater emphasis on using violence to settle disputes than on diplomacy and conversation.

Bitcoin's inherent scarcity (a fixed monetary supply with issuance that declines every four years) ensures that its value will rise, resulting in a flow of abundance.
According to Pierre Rochard, Vice President of the mining firm Research RiotBlockchain, this non-inflatable currency can be used to boost purchasing power and encourage charity giving:

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People can start investing in themselves by focusing their resources, time, and efforts on their original goal thanks to the network effect of donated purchasing power.

While the fiat economy stagnates, with rising unemployment and salary reductions, the bitcoin industry is constantly hiring new personnel by using our innate potentials. The youth of today now have the option to refuse to add another brick to the wall that segregates humanity based on the hierarchy of class, race, and nation, perpetuating war and economic exploitation. This choice is made possible by the creation of new economic activities.

They can now actively engage in envisioning and creating the foundations of their own future.

The Road To Prosperity

Leading the way is El Salvador, which was the first nation to declare bitcoin legal tender. The desire of the poorest people in El Zonte, a little surf town with a population of 3,000, came true when a community there started to assert its financial sovereignty.

Bitcoin Ekasi in South Africa launched initiatives to use bitcoin as a medium of exchange to empower a depressed township there, drawing inspiration from Bitcoin Beach (El Zonte). They are raising funds for the construction of schools, clean water infrastructure, and sustainable farming systems by utilizing bitcoin.

The Layer 2 scaling solution for Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, enables the circularity of its new gift economy. In addition to receiving Satoshi Nakamoto's gift of discovering our own talents and skills, it also enables us to reciprocate by giving back to our communities. The more gifted someone is, the more they can contribute.

Everyone possesses a piece of a puzzle that can be used to uncover the treasure that has been given to humanity. The value of the network rises as a result of our active involvement in the group discovery of the 21 million coins. As a whole, our society advances. We collectively inherit the richness of the world by each claiming their own brilliance, bringing prosperity to all people.

Nozomi Hayase is the author of this guest article. The views stated are solely their own and may not represent those of Bitcoin Magazine or BTC Inc.

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