Investing is like Sex

I love attaching humors or making relatable references in my article to make the least understanding person understands my article. I hope using sexual(Not vulgar) references can give you a clearer picture of what I want to explain. This is just a fun way to learn don’t over think it.

Just like Sex, you always have to consider safety first. When you invest you are risking your capital but when you are not careful with your risk, you might lose your capital. Too much risk is wrong.

In investing, some like it long(bulls) while some like it short (bears). Depending on your preference. But regardless of what action they take, everyone usually focus more on the performance of either long or short. Just like sex, people consider positions, some positions are better than others and the best position differs within different individuals. Always remember that past performance is sometimes not necessarily indicative of how the future performance will be. If you performed better in your previous positions and actions ( either long or short) it doesn’t always determine how you perform in the future.


It gets better with time and experience, as seen in both sex and investment. The first time you invested and the first time you had sex might have similarities. It wasn’t much fun as you thought they would be. But with time you will see your money grow gradually so with your sex life. Some people like to do it alone, some like to do it with their partners while some like to hire professionals.

The most important common lesson between sex and investment is education and knowledge. Always educate yourself first before embarking into any of them so you don’t go make mistakes that will affect your entire life.

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