The Crypto World- Instability vs stability



Transformation is a very vital part of each of our lives. On top, right now in this world, it is the hype. We all are transforming really drastically according to my observation. In this world, the changes are occurring too drastically. So much so that before our vision catches the change, the change has already occurred.

Such example of change is right in front of us, guess what it is? Yes, it is our financial stability. No matter how much we state or declare ourselves to be stable, at the end of the day, each of us are not stable; not financially.

Let us think on this together. See, I will discuss 3 aspects out of the many and finally you decide if I am on the right track. Even, if you are interested or so, you can write a post about your points. Then the discussion becomes bigger. So, what are the 3 aspects that represent that we are not financially stable forever?

If you are sticking to one specific career and declare that is what will keep you stable your entire life until you die, that represents, you are not financially stable.

Why is it so? This is because, once you focus your goal at one specific sector you develop only that sector. What eventually happens that you are in a cycle which is repitative making you source of income also monotonous. This is good, what generally parents think. But, if research is done, it can be observed that the more you explore and adapt new transformation in your business or career, the more you grow and the more financially stable you become.

Now, to the next point of conversation; if you stay limited to one location then you are financially restricting your growth; therefore you become financially unstable again.

How does this happen? Ths happens as you focus your growth in one particular area, you excel that and your growth is now constant. So, it is supposed to be a profit but what happens in the long run, as humans have no stable location we change and that affects your business. Now the debate can lie that to make the business such that no matter who is the audience, the earing will be contant. Yes, you can achieve this, but again, the growth will not be contant, it will stop. So, as our, as in the business, growth will stop, eventually financial stability is under fluctuation.

As a child, I always knew that when growth is constant, stability is constant too, but as we grow up we blur the concept of constant.

We start to think that constant means no growth. This is what makes us financially unstable all over again.

To not be hijacked by the fear of financial instability, the way to work out or vanish-ify your fears is by making an attempt to start with little but with focus. Then, to grow bigger and enlarge your scopes. Let it be in this world of crypto or in the real world of crisis.

One thing is for sure, the more you give, the more you get. Sometimes time plays a major role, sometimes time is just the clock ticking by. Hope this post was helpful to those who are mistaken that their growth is constant in this world of crypto. I hope we can become more aware as to how build this system more efficiently than by just trying to reap the benefits from it.

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