Wen Web3 Takes Over the World


Web3 is emerging as one of the most important conversations in crypto. We're still in the early stages of seeing web3 adopted even amongst crypto-heads, let alone the outside world.

With all of this being said, the conversation around Web3 has already begun. Everyone spanning from Naval Ravikant to Gary Vaynerchuk to Kimbal Musk to Tim Ferriss are talking about Web3 in various formats.

People like these are the ones who spark conversations in the more traditional circles. Being on Hive and LeoFinance, Web3 is no news to us. Many of us have been daily users of Web3 for the past 4 years by blogging, curating, tokenizing, buidling, etc. on Hive.

Web3 Narrative

Web3 encompasses a number of separate but directly related industries:

  1. NFTs
  2. Blockchain
  3. Tokenized Communities
  4. Content Creation
  5. Social Media
  6. ...

The Web3 narrative is being discussed from a number of different perspectives as well. Someone like Gary Vaynerchuk has a much different presentation of Web3 than someone like Naval Ravikant or Kimbal Musk.

Kimbal tweeted about Web3 today:


Web3 means a lot of things to a lot of people. As Web3 emerges, evolves and ultimately matures, we'll see the advantages spread to hundreds of industries that it can directly impact.

What Web3 Means to Us

If you're reading this, you're most likely familiar with Hive and at the very least, familiar with crypto and tokenization.

From my personal perspective of Web3, tokenized communities are the most prominent use case. The tokenization of everything has long been a dominant narrative in the crypto space and tokenized communities are at the core of that.

We can cooperate, generate value and engage with each other on a level never seen before in human history. Even Bitcoin has a degree of this value.

Bitcoin has grown to where it is today because everyone who owns Bitcoin has a right... a duty to grow the network. When you own Bitcoin, you want to tell other people about Bitcoin. You want people to buy it, hodl it, talk about it to their friends.

The network effect incentives are built in when you tokenize.

The same holds true for LEO and HIVE. When we all own a tokenized community, we all want to drive more value to it. Selfishly, it puts more value in your pocket.

Unselfishly, it pushes the fundamentals of Web3 and helps to change industries which will eventually change the world.

Hive Explodes In Value, No Surprise


I remember when Hive began from the decentralized battle for power that the community ultimately won.

Hive is the embodiment of Web 3.0. We're not going to see a true Web3 emerge from corporations like Facebook and Twitter.

We're going to see the emergence and adoption of Web3 on platforms like Hive, Ethereum, Thorchain and other metaverse-ready platforms.

Hive and Ethereum (and Thorchain, in my opinion) are blockchains that facilitate the buidling of decentralized applications with the principles of Web3.

We're seeing NFTs revolutionize the use case of Ethereum. Despite the many hurtles of a complex user experience (especially for normies) and high gas fees, Ethereum has emerged as the #1 platform for the metaverse.

Hive is enabling tokenized communities, gaming (i.e. Splinterlands) and a whole host of other interesting applications that deploy the power of instantaneous, free and scalable transaction ops.

LeoFinance uses many of these features to be what it is today and buidl what it will be tomorrow. Projects like ProjectBlank, LeoMobile, etc. use this battle-tested and decentralized blockchain to make Web3 user-friendly. We hope to put Web3 into the hands of your every-day social media user with LeoMobile and ProjectBlankMobile.

I started buying HIVE heavily when it dipped down to $0.10. Many in the LeoFinance Discord remember when we were talking about the opportunity. Much of that HIVE POWER sits delegated to @leo.voter today and allows us to expand our community through curation of content. @tarazkp recently wrote an interesting article about the expansion of rewards during HIVE price increases.

The future of Web3 is now and we've been using it here on Hive for 4 years. We're still so early and I can't wait to see what we look like 4 months and 4 years from now when we have dozens and hundreds of new applications and use cases emerge. $2 is just a checkpoint to know we're doing something right 🚀



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC and ETH blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

DeFi PlatformTokenized BloggingTrack Hive Data
Cub FinanceLeoFinance BetaHivestats
Native DEXWrapped LEO (ETH)Hive Node
LeoDexwLEO On UniswapWitness Vote

Earn a 16% APR on HIVE POWER and Support LeoInfra's Onboarding Efforts by Delegating HP to @leo.voter (Currently at 2M HP). We Use this to Claim Accounts and Delegate RCs to Newly Onboarded Users + Daily LEO Payouts to Delegators

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