The Beginning of ChainFlip, with Simon Harman

Hey, everyone! In this episode of Chain Chatter, let's learn about the beginnings of ChainFlip from its founder, Simon Harman. ChainFlip is a protocol for native cross-chain swaps, featuring innovative technology inspired by THORChain.

In this clip:

  • The creation and evolution of DEXs started in 2020
  • ChainFlip is inspired by THORChain but is the product of independent research
  • The results were different enough to generate a new project
  • Aims to fill a gap in the market

Before 2020, and even now, there were not enough decentralized markets for BTC and other coins. ChainFlip was created to address this gap. Inspired by THORChain, Simon and his team conducted their own research and developed a different approach, leading to the creation of ChainFlip.

Despite initially being seen as less relevant, DEXs are now a crucial aspect of the cryptosphere, and ChainFlip offers an innovative protocol that provides low slippage, excellent pricing, and rewards for providing liquidity with native assets.

Check out this clip from Chain Chatter to learn what inspired Simon Harman to enter the crypto space and how ChainFlip came to be!

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