Language and Identity of the Web3 Community

Hey, everyone! The Web3 community has different ways of communicating status and showing support for projects, as well as being part of the space. Just like in other cultures, users develop an identity and forms of communication that help everyone feel like they belong to something.

In this clip:

  • NFT-based PFPs (Profile Pictures)
  • Social status in Web3
  • Discord servers as social hubs
  • Entitlement as part of the culture

Saying "GM" is a cult-like behavior that unites the Web3 community across different spaces. It's a simple way to show your presence every day. Similarly, other words and actions have become integral to the identity of these communities.

Profile pictures are very important in the Web3 community. They are how we recognize each other. It’s common to see members using NFT-based profile pictures, and when they upgrade to a higher-end NFT, it’s often perceived as an increase in status, signifying not only their wealth but also their membership in that specific NFT project’s community.

Being part of Discord servers is also characteristic of the space. These servers are the main hubs for connecting with communities in a semi-private environment outside of the blockchain. Membership in certain servers can also symbolize status.

However, there are some downsides, as Marianne mentions. For instance, entitlement can arise, people within the community might expect things from you, even if you’re building a personal project in public.

Learn more about Web3 identity in this conversation with MarianneNFTs on Chain Chatter.

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