Having a Deep Liquidity for Hive on DEXs is now More Important than Ever

Hi, everyone! The Hive inbound route is up and running on LeoDex, now arbitrage can happen and the community can start buying HIVE with other L1 tokens.

In this clip:

  • CEXs are experiencing turbulence with CZ's sentence
  • That is another indicator to have DEXs with volume for HIVE
  • We need to get Hivers to use LeoDex for their swaps and increase volume
  • It’s important to get that flywheel kickstarted
  • The first big transaction from the Maya community in LeoDex

Recent news has generated turbulence around CEXs post-CZ's sentence. It's a clear sign that having DEXs with substantial liquidity and transaction volume for HIVE is more important than ever.

We're on a mission to rally Hivers to embrace LeoDex for their swaps, now that it has good pricing and is easy to use, driving up that critical trading volume. Kick-starting this flywheel is key; it’ll start slowly, but the growth will come.

This week we had the first major transaction coming from the Maya community in LeoDex, which generated $50 in revenue that buys half LEO half CACAO and pools it. This is one transaction; imagine several of them in a day.

To start the flywheel effect and impulse the growth of LeoDex is critical. I’ll be talking about this in The Lion's Den, today at 1PM EST with @taskmaster4450le in X Spaces.

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