Chain Chatter | Building Web3 Companies and Communities

Hi, everyone! The significance of marketing in a project's success is well-known and evident from daily examples. However, in the Web3 world, technical aspects often dominate the spotlight. That's why our latest Chain Chatter guest @MarianneNFTs' approach is crucial, it highlights the vital role of communication in building successful Web3 companies.

In this episode:

  • Asking the right questions to get to know the audience
  • Balancing the needs of the founders and the community
  • Avoid over-promising and under-delivering
  • provides Community Managers focused on the Web3 ecosystem

Promising and delivering to a diverse community, like crypto users, can be challenging. While it's normal to promise results and take time to deliver them, a lack of information and interaction can make the community anxious. Conversely, having a compelling value proposition is essential to attract investors.

Building a community in Web3 requires an open channel of communication. Founders alone may not always have the capacity to manage this effectively. That’s why offers community managers who focus on Web3 engagement, understanding the needs of both the community and the team, balancing their requirements, and maintaining a healthy and enjoyable environment.

Check out this episode of Chain Chatter to learn more about building companies in Web3, how to listen to your community members, and how to give them a leading role in your project.

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