SPLINTERLANDS: Basic Battle Mechanics/Strategy to Maximize DEC (For Beginners)

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Before you proceed further, you should familiarize yourself with what all the numbers and icons mean on the face of your Monster's Card. In a prior sub-section of the Splinterlands DEC Coin Guide this information was presented. You may also find it here.

Now, you are ready to battle. Well, what card do you play where? It is not the purpose of this article to give you specific Card combinations to use (even though some may be hinted at). Instead, basic game mechanics and some strategy will be given to help you in finding winning combinations that work (all with the goal of increasing your win percentage and thereby maximizing your DEC token return.



First, this is the basic layout of the Splinterlands Battle Field:

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[Note: Unless specified to the contrary, the preceding photo will serve as the base photo for the majority of this article. Any modifications to the base photo were added by the author].

Off of this base battle field, we will be using the positions of the top player for our discussions. These positions for the top player are shown in the following photo:

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At the top left is your Summoner. In position 1 (middle row) is your front line Monster. In positions 2 through 6 (top row) are your back line Monsters.


For every battle, the first card you must choose is your Summoner.

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This is not a decision to be taken lightly. The Summoner you choose determines which Splinters cards will be available for you to play (plus, of course, all of the common cards available for use in all battles).

As well, your choice of Summoner must be carefully made as most Summoners possess Abilities (or buffs) which can enhance the powers, protections, and/or attack of the Monsters chosen for battle. A note to remember, your Summoner does not actually fight in the battle. The Summoner's functions are limited to the two tasks (Splinter choice and Buffs) set forth.


Now, having chosen your Summoner, the next choice you face is what card to use as your front row Monster (Battlefield Photo position "1").

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Remember, Melee Monsters can only attack from the front line (Magic Monsters can attack from any position). Being a beginner at Splinterlands, it is highly recommended that you choose a strong Melee attack Monster with a high number of Health Points for your Front Line Monster (this type of Monster is commonly referred to as the 'Tank'). From your basic battle cards that came with your Summoner's Spellbook, some suggestions for front line Monsters include:


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As you progress through the Game, you will find it very helpful to acquire some additional (stronger) cards to your deck. You may accomplish this by either buying them at the market, opening packs, or getting reward cards for daily quests/season end.

Your author has obtained several new cards that have become a preference for use as a front line monster when possible. To share, these include:


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From a quick review of the suggested front line Monsters you should readily observe that they all have relatively high Melee attack power and as well, relatively high health points. Reiterating, these two characteristics are what you are looking for in your front line Monster.


Moving on to the back line (Battlefield Photo positions "2" through "6):

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For your backline monsters you will want to choose:

  • Range Monsters (that attack only from the back line).
  • Magic Monsters (that attack from either the front or the back line).
  • Melee Monsters (that possess abilities allowing attack from the back line (i.e. sneak).

To fill in the back line, use Monsters that maximize attack power and health points while keeping within the Battle Mana limit.

Your author will share some tips he has found beneficial specifically with regard to choosing the 'second' and 'sixth' Monsters. For the middle Monsters 'third' through 'fifth' use your weaker low Mana cards where necessary to keep within the Mana cap.

Now with respect to the 'second position' use a higher level (higher attack/higher health points) Magic Monster. This is helpful in the situation where your front line Monster is eliminated. When the front line Monster is eliminated, the Monster in the second position moves up to the front line. Using a Magic Monster is position "2" will permit that Monster to attack from the back line and continue attacking when moved to the front line upon elimination of the front line Monster. So, by using a powerful Magic Monster in position "2" you will be in better condition should substitution become necessary.

With respect to the 'sixth position' try to save enough Mana to place a higher Health Point Monster in this spot. The reasoning for this suggestion is simple. The sixth position will most likely be your last Monster standing, so with higher health you will be prolonging the battle and increasing your chances of a win.


Your author has found that by employing either of these two Monster Card combinations significantly improved his win percentage (and thereby DEC income).

  • Death Splinter Combination:

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Monsters (Position "1" through "3" in this order)
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  • Water Splinter Combination:

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Monsters (Position "1" through "3" in this order)
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Be advised these two suggested combinations do not guarantee you a 100% win percentage, but by using them you should see significant improvement in your game win performance. Your author did!


When you author first started playing Splinterlands (not long ago) he searched and searched to find this information. By utilizing and familiarizing yourself with the contents of How to Earn More Splinterlands DEC - Understanding Your Cards to Improve Wins as well as the contents of this article, you, the new entrant into the world of Splinterlands, will have a better working knowledge of the Game. This information should place you in a position where your win percentage significantly improves and you start seeing your stack of Dark Energy Crystal grow. Good luck!

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