Daily Thoughts: Ethereum looking to get back into $370 $410 range, also I'm buying Nikola


After a sell off of 35% 12 days ago, ethereum has been steadily climbing back up.

I am closely looking at the $370 to $410 range as Ethereum bounced around that for the last month. I'd like to see ETH hold this level for a day or two and then see where it goes, a break up or down will be telling.


Is it a scam?, a fraud?, am I a fool for buying now?

Here's my thinking, their partnerships are strong. GM and Bosch particularly are exciting to me. If I am wrong I am in good company, so imo it is worth a small 2% bet.

I admit part of it is a wish to invest in 'GOOD' technologies. I am excited by their plans for hydrogen trucking. Particularly as California and Arizona produce too much solar on many days. That excess can be used to make hydrogen. Nikola may get paid to produce there hydrogen.

And there leasing plans coupled with the markets willingness to finance anyone, could lead to explosive growth.

I am ready to lose the whole investment, and I admit with the allegations it is a real possibility.

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