Cryptocurrency offers a decent money-making opportunity.

I grew up never being ashamed to make money and there have been a series of situations where I had to put myself out there to take up money-making opportunities. In a couple of those situations, I did an insane amount of work and spent wild hours trying to earn a living. Yet, the earning I got were Peanuts.

I've had experience doing menial work during my days in high school. In those days, I worked in a rental company that took charge of mounting Canopies, supplying chairs, and setting up tables in event halls. This wasn't an easy job, yet the daily pay was worth nothing.

During University, I got into teaching and even jointly opened a tutorial institute with a colleague. After graduation, I worked for a year in the Banking sector before leaving the work. I transitioned from that to working remotely and earning Cryptocurrency. If you think someone like myself would be ashamed of making money, then, you really haven't been paying attention.

While going through each of these money-making opportunities, one of the thing that's fairly obvious to me is that it's very hard to make money. You probably won't like this, but even those who commit crimes to make money won't say that it's easy to make money.

Will I venture into that?

Hell-No! You'd get my point though.

Now that the world economy is playing a big part in making life rough and tough, a lot of people in different parts of the world are already in situations where the economic issue they are facing is creating a negative ripple effect on other areas of their lives. Inflation is also hitting hard and the increase in price level is rocking different parts of the world.

Folks are exploring additional sources of income since that seems like one of the obvious ways to survive and hopefully thrive in this messed up situation that's facing the world economy. So many people would welcome the idea of taking up multiple jobs but their 9 - 5 is already taking the whole day from them. Starting up a business isn't easy either. I've been there and I know all about the drama that start-ups face.

How about Crypto earning, Trading, and Investment?


Most people already know a thing or two about Cryptocurrency. Little wonder why Crypto is always trending across various platforms. A lot of people have managed to hit big returns by getting involved with Cryptocurrency. And, a lot more are consistently looking into opportunities that could be explored in the Crypto space.

With all the opportunities that are available in the Crypto Space, it's still a surprise that Crypto enthusiasts are getting attacked by the government in some parts of the world. Nigeria is a good example of one of those countries and this attack has been ongoing for almost 3 years. The most recent form of the attack is the delisting of Nigeria's Naira from the P2P trading section of several exchanges, Binance inclusive.

Since some of us already had a taste of earning Nigeria's local currency in comparison to earning Crypto, we are still doing our best to not be affected by the attack that our government is launching on Crypto enthusiasts. Things would surely be easier if our government became receptive to Cryptocurrency. However, I already understand that it's hard to make money.

So, this is one of those things we have to go through to remain active in the Crypto space.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is mine, taken with my phone camera.

This is my entry to today's prompt on #mayinleo monthly prompt. Feel free to check out this announceement post and explore their prompt.

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