A Day For Workers; Does your job improve your financial position?

After stretching myself a little bit beyond my comfort zone in April, it seems pretty straightforward that this new month is not going to be any different. It feels like it's going to be a busy month and this can't be helped.

A busy month for me means lots of work and I love working whenever I'm getting something that is fairly aligned with the work I do. You know, whether you like it or not, expenses are very crippling and they are growing massively. So, there should be a justification for working hard and a monetary justification isn't a bad one.


Sadly, the fact about those in the labour force especially in places like my country is that you are expected to work like an elephant while earning like a rat. The proportion between the work you do and the remuneration you earn is often unbalanced for an average Degree holder in the country. And, the economy is not looking good at the moment.

This whole thing makes you think...

How would workers survive in this era which is categorized by rapid inflationary pressure? How will they do their work with a smiling face when they are being undervalued and underpaid? Oh, some work and they haven't received their salary for several months. Now, that's something worth thinking of.

It's quite interesting that today is the first day of a new month. It's also the first day of a new week for folks like myself that sees Mondays as the first day of the week. Every worker will already be giving their best in their working space as they try to make this day as productive as possible. Okay, maybe not all workers. I know some are lazy to the marrows.

However, this is 1st May which is known far and wide as International Workers' Day.

Inject that into my vein.

The question is, have you made any significant progress in your finances since you started doing the work you are currently on?

This isn't a trivial question. It's a question that can change the trajectory of your finances. I know this because there are people in a workplace who do their work well and do everything as supposed, and they still don't get a fair reward. Perhaps, that may be a signal for anyone in that situation to start exploring other options.

Well, kudos to all workers. Enjoy the day as you see fit.

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