Web 3.0 is causing the kind of revolution!

Decentralized platforms are becoming popular day by day in this age of technology where centralization is limited and web 3 is revolutionizing the internet world. Nowadays Web 3 offers something that is the main reason for its popularity. Let's discuss how Web 3 is revolutionizing the online world:



Web 3

We know about limitations of web 1.0 and web 2.0. Where Web 1.0 is the "read-only Web", Web 2.0 is the "Participatory Social Web. And now Web 3.0 is the upgraded version of Web 2.0. In Web 3.0 it is possible to read, write and own at the same time. Readability has been available since 1.0. Readability and writing has been available since Web 2.0. Web 3.0 will facilitate reading, writing and ownership at the same time. Web 3.0 will create smaller servers around the world. All servers will be at the same level. There will be no and no big company will be allowed to control all these servers. These servers will be connected to each other, and the data that is on one server, the same data will be available on all servers. And this kind of networking system is known as blockchain.We know about limitations of web 1.0 and web 2.0. Where Web 1.0 is the "read-only Web", Web 2.0 is the "Participatory Social Web. And now Web 3.0 is the upgraded version of Web 2.0. In Web 3.0 it is possible to read, write and own at the same time. Readability has been available since 1.0. Readability and writing has been available since Web 2.0. Web 3.0 will facilitate reading, writing and ownership at the same time. Web 3.0 will create smaller servers around the world. All servers will be at the same level. There will be no and no big company will be allowed to control all these servers. These servers will be connected to each other, and the data that is on one server, the same data will be available on all servers. And this kind of networking system is known as blockchain.

The Advantage of Web 3.0

With Web 3, all companies are transformed into decentralized networks. It excludes all large companies and transforms it into a decentralized platform. It would benefit that all the power would be taken away from the big companies and distributed to smaller servers and everyone would have equal power. As a result, everyone will have equal rights. And the privacy of the data will not be limited only to the company, all the servers together will protect the privacy of the data. The most interesting thing is that it is safe and secure for users.

There are no third party or no company who can change this data as per their wish. As a result, there will be no centralized network the entire network will be decentralized. As a result, power will shift from big tech companies to end users. In this case, the example of torrent can be used to understand the decentralized network. Utorrent is used to download something on a computer.


We currently see that this type of web interaction and utilization stage moves users from centralized platforms like Facebook, Google or Twitter to decentralized platforms. People are converting to decentralized networks day by day especially due to harassment of people on centralized platforms as well as their accounts being suspended or their accounts being controlled by authorities. And because of this day by day web 3 is gaining popularity and due to all these benefits it is bringing many revolutionary changes in the internet world.

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