A small investment plan before Bull Run Arrives !

I was in on the call with one of my cousin yesterday. He is now far away from crypto and has no knowledge about it. He was asking me about where should he invest and if this is the right time to invest.

I told him that this is indeed the right time to buy crypto. He was asking me about the coins i believe in and i shared him about few coins.

My Alt Coins recommendation


So first i asked him about how much he wants to invest and he told me that he wanted to invest 15000 INR. That is approximately 164 USDT at current Usdt-Inr P2P options available in the market.

I asked him to diversify his investment by investing in different currencies but he told me that he don't want to do that. He named a currency and told me that he wanted to invest everything into it.

I asked him to not do this as it is never a good option to only invest in single coin. Doing that means you will not be profiting in the next bull run if that particular coin performed badly.

Now as he was already hesitating to diversify his investment i told him a easy way to do so. I asked him to devide his money into for parts and as he wants to invest more into Alt coins, i told him to keep 2/3rd of his money for Alt coins and 1/3rd for btc and eth.

I suggested him to invest in hive and matic coins but he refused to invest in matic as he wanted to invest in one coin that is of his choice. So he agreed to invest in hive and the coin he was talking about.

Also the 1/3rd left will be invested equally in eth and btc. The reason why i have asked to invest in these top coins is simply because these two are the coins that can blow our mind in next bull run.

Why i suggested him to invest in hive


There are many reasons out of which i will share some factual reasons here about which i have learnt in last few years.

  1. Hive is currently resting at $0.3 and yesterday it was at $0.28 approx.

  2. Hive all time high was more than $3.

  3. Hive is the best social blockchain present in this world and the reason why i said this is because of the development i have seen here. There are so many games that keeps coming build on hive blockchain.

So these are three reasons that i think should be enough for anyone to invest in it.

Even i have bought hive recently and i will buy them today as well because i see this as a big long term opportunity.

To conclude, i think i have shared with him the most safest plan where the chances of loses are quite less. What are readers thought about this ?

Write down in comments below and maybe we can learn something new together.

Thank You

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