Kalavian Tales goes LeoFinance

Hi everyone.

From this moment onwards, I will use LeoFinance as the main posting platform to share updates about Kalavian Tales.

Image: Sarova Whitesword

@notaboutme started Kalavian Tales started in January this year, and initially pursued several different development directions as a means of experimentation.

At this stage we have:

  • A world setting that is well developed.
  • A storyline that is still unpolished but already pretty large (~30k words)
  • A very modest NFT collection that can be considered to be in Early Alpha.
  • A rudimentary platform to view, transfer and trade these NFTs (https://kalavia.github.io).
  • An active tabletop roleplaying campaign (three sessions have taken place so far).
  • A working game rule set for purposes of tabletop roleplaying, and which can be fairly easily ported to a digital game platform if we so desire.
  • A project token, KATAMI, which can be used to provide shaping suggestions to the campaign setting.

Over the summer I have shifted focus more towards the setting and the roleplaying campaign, and away from the NFT and digital platform project, which drew relatively little interest in the spring. Because this project is completely in exploratory mode during 2023 and 2024, please do expect a lot more shifts in direction in the coming period!

Traditionally, the autumn isa very busy time for me, so also expect a relatively quiet @kalavia between now and the New Year! One direction I would like to pursue though is to expand the creative and development team to 3 or 4 people though. Let's see if that can work out...

Overall I hope the Leofinance community will be happy to join in and collaborate with the Kalavian Tales project, and of course on this blog you should be able to find historical posts if you look for 'all posts' in the interface 😀 .

Image: Talo Eldertree

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