Personal Finance: Lessons From Your Weirdest Experience?


Money Management & Perfection

Everyone has a personal finance history which probably changes with the passage of time. Realistically new trends, new brands, change in income, the betterment of advertising and the lessons from experience of spending are what makes the personal financial experience of others evolve with time. When it comes to spending, we majorly learn from experience and this is because attaining perfection when it comes to money management is impossible.

While we can learn from the mistakes of others we cannot totally equate the lessons learned from the failed expenditure of a person in relativity to our own experience. Some people would rather buy things that are cheap no matter the quality, this might be because they feel they're saving more and spending less which isn't totally wrong. However, some people prefer to spend more because they believe that expensive things can easily equate to quality.

This notion isn't held by default

........however spending amiss in a bid to save more can warrant people to buy things that are not qualitative enough and this can become financial lessons that'll dictate their spending habit all through their lives. People who own lesser resources, or people whose means are limited have no luxury of always makingmoney mistakes.

This is why people hold on to whatever lessons they have learned whenever they spend amiss. While expensive things are mostly quality, we cannot say overall cheap things to be totally inferior. For example, when I used to be younger, I bought and wore a lot of used clothes because they were cheaper. The major reason was because I was broke and not because I loved wearing 2nd and 3rd tier clothes.

However, when my financial standings changed, I began to buy more expensive clothes but then along the line I learned that some used clothes I once wore were better than the expensive ones I bought. This made me realize that automatically things that seem expensive might just be a ruse, established by some manufacturers to sell less quality goods.

However, what I learned might not be definitive and binding overtime. This means that in the next five years the lessons I did learn might have faded and no longer applicable with the bid to actually spend better. In my person finance journey I have come to understand that quality & value isn't the only determinant to how we spend. By default, everyone aims to spend less and have more, but in some cases, this isn't always the end result.

There are external factors we cannot control and one of them is the influence of advertising on our choices. The truth is, we all need external help with making choices to spend our money better. Making research on what to buy, where to buy, the pros and cons of buying and other factors would require external sources in providing this information.

Most times we depend on ready-made information to make our decisions. Ready-made information are the opinions of people we trust, online and of course, the information we get from marketing agencies.

Compromising One's State Of Frugality

The downside is that this information are mostly diabolic and not altruistic enough. In recent trends, the internet have provided the possibility of bringing us stats and figures at our fingertips, take a lot at how Facebook grossly influenced the decisions of people on a daily basis, because we cannot live all the experiences that relates to money.

This is why we require help to make better decisions in the aspect of spending money and spending it rightly, which is actually the intent from the beginning. However, we cannot completely say we've gotten value for every cent we've spent. In fact, when we begin to look at the petty and unplanned expenditure we undertake on a daily basis, it doesn't represent how important we take frugality.

This is because there are times we completely let our guard down up and rightly so too. The intent of this post is to highlight how we aim to attain perfection in our expenditures but didn't get to that level. We learn every day, and these lessons seem applicable, only that the change in some many aspects of life makes them (lessons) redundant overtime.

Because we're Humans, the way we work, spend and make choices are tied to some psychological factors.

Due to human emotions, it'll be difficult for us to attain perfection. This isn't to say attaining perfection is a totally good thing, it has its downside as well. However, it's essential to showcase awareness especially when it comes to how we spend. When we're aware of these phenomena it makes it easier to actually mitigate. Learning that spending more doesn't guarantee quality, or buying cheaper doesn't mean we tend to aim for inferiority.

Being broke and exposed to plenty brings different lessons and exposure respectively and while we might be scared of losing even if we want to save more, we need to realize that the lessons that comes with losing can be important but the lessons we've learned wouldn't be totally applicable throughout time. The tides are changing, and we must evolve as well.

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@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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