Measuring The Value Of Loss Against Opportunity Cost


The derivation of fufillment is important in life, because this is the joy we derive from getting it right or hitting it big. At the same time we can also incur disappointments from some of these choices and decisions, we make, but to cut us some slack, no one chooses to learn by going through things.

Sometimes, we all wish we can sit in front of a classroom and learn about money, learn about the businesses we can go into and the ones we shouldn't, this wish sometimes becomes our final resolution when we've failed at so many things, originally we do not like being taught.

Failure & The Drive For Adventure

We mostly like to explore raw and undefined knowledge, but multiple failures often shifts our resolve and this is when we being to seek guidance. When we fail, we face some of the harshest realities of life.

Sometimes failure kills our drive for adventure, sometimes, it's growing up and being laden with responsibilities that do so. In fact, it becomes difficult for us to spot out potential as we use to. However, this is always a phase in our lives. There are times we live for ourselves alone, and it gets to a time where we begin to live for others, so we cannot be adventurous at all times, life allows us to live different versions of ourselves.

This is why at some certain point in life, we change from what we used to be to what we've seen and gone through since we're mostly reactive, we change according to what has happened to us and not because of what we've mostly done.

So it's safe to say people learn to be pragmatic because of what excessive risk has caused them. Loss and regret make us more streamlined and the lessons we've learned make us refined and better. If we were born and equipped with such knowledge, then perfection would be easily obtainable, but then what will be the essence of growth?

The lessons learned from Instability

If we cannot grow, then we're doomed, the curiosity and carefree attitude we have towards money early in life is part of the journey, it's part of the establishment of our identity and the people we're meant to be. People that often seek stability have seen the consequences of instability, a person who is a saver must have once been let down by the consequences of being broke.

A person who is now frugal must've been a spendthrift. We experientially learn from ourselves, because other sources of knowledge apart from ourselves are secondary.

We're mostly trying to live beyond our previous mistakes and this only happens when we've passed the stage of living to explore all possibilities.

Our lives and decisions are guided by the things we've gone through because we're cautious of negative repetition, but we can only prevent what we can and cannot beyond our perceptive capacities.

At the end of the day, no one attains ultimate wisdom because our lives change at some certain stage, it could be the birth of a son, the loss of a mother, or a reality check that sets us straight, this means that there are things that trigger us.

In Conclusion

There are times we're faced with decisions but we choose indecision because we might not yet be presented with the consequences of these indecisions. Over the past few months I've been agitated about how things have not happened the way I've been planning them, in the past, I'll probably let it go, have a drink, and forget life.

However, when we become older and on the verge of getting everything we want, this is when we become more calculative and agitated, we're always careful not to make or mar, unlike when we were young and unlearned and open to throwing our lives away to risk and gambling.

Interested in some more of my works?

Reviewing A $400 Samsung Galaxy A72 (photos Included)
Hive's Scalability & The Compromise Of Commitments
Money: The Consequences Of Making The Right & Wrong Decisions
The Nigerian Economy: Monopolizing Incompetence
The Experiential Process of Understanding Money
A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.


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