A Statement Of Millions: Flagged Off For Crypto Irregularities


The Downside To Being Enlightened

Living in an economically clueless country and having knowledge about Crypto is like being one-eyed in a country of the blind, this means that one is a beacon, you're not totally subjected to poverty. You might not be rich, but your lifestyle, your purchases, your online activities often reflect a difference. In a situation where others might settle for an $80 job in a month, you'll rather not and rather choose to be home channeling that time differently.

Listen, the system is not blind, people are meant to experience the full force of the ailing economy. Statistically, Nigerian citizens should be the poorest especially if you graphically compare them with probably South African citizens (due to the fact that the latter arguably has even more opportunities provided by their government, yet many are still poorer and unemployment despite a favorable system). It's per capita income of people should be nothing to write home about, since there isn't even a means, not to talk of a metrics to measure in a monthly intake.

The thing is, naturally the economic conditions should be way worse, some people should feed from hand to mouth, while others ought to be banging on the doors of cooperate organizations to at least give them jobs no matter the terms and conditions. However, this isn't the case, Nigerians are building houses on a daily, more people are leaving the country and becoming millionaires as a result of the even better structural framework of other countries.

There's no country in the world without a Nigerian citizen, and traveling out of the country in Search of a favorable system is one of the ways through which people bypass the Nigerian economic nightmare. Another way is through creative innovations and entrepreneurial success. Lately it's been the sophistication of crypto, which is currently being banned. This means that law enforcement agencies are the Hawkeye of the government. They track people who seem to living admirably well beyond having a $100 job and having a large family to feed.

The "Spot & Delete" System

These law enforcement agencies themselves have turned monitoring the financial cycle of Nigerian people who should be wallowing inside abject poverty to a sort of money laundering schemes to raise money to be shared through the hierarchical structure of the Police force. The central banks of Nigeria for example is monitoring the daily cash inflow of every bank account especially if the person seem poor, not holding any government positions or having a huge business that can physical account for all that money.

In fact, this is done by assuming that a regular income earner of maybe $120 a month should have a daily limit of transaction, since they're not earning much. However, when you begin to transact $1000 or $1500, it becomes an anomaly and raises a red flag, which makes your account flagged off as a crypto trader and hence your account will be locked up, closed entirely.

In an entirety, being financially free away the system equates you to crypto. The government believe that crypto is the only thing that can make people suddenly rich. The central bank have now gone on rampage, instructing many commercial banks to close down the bank account of people for supposedly being "too rich" beyond what the system can offer or provide. People should be able to fight this show of totalitarianism, but then again, the government is the most powerful institution without being subjective to questioning.

This is why I think that people are vulnerable no matter how Financially free they are, due to Crypto or due to other means. The focal point here is that Crypto brings a certain feeling or sense of financial freedom, and this is an invulnerability to an extent and can become an undoing. It's a problem to rich, which means the only way to be rich, is to actually be rich, however without it reflecting through the banking system.

Staying Of The Commercial Banks Radar

The government is now using the banking system to check for people who are inexplicably rich and out of proportion. This is possible because many Nigerians who have been made rich through crypto flaunts these wealth through the bank statements, making them an easy catch for the government. Crypto is an act of expression, but it has created an illegal impression on the government, automatically making every holder a criminal. Take for instance a woman with a business worth of $500 brandishing an account balance of $4000, possibly made rich through Shiba Inu or so.

This is why people should stay off the radar of the system. Politicians are laundering money everybody through third-party family members on a daily, yet there are no laws set in place to catch these people. The system makes legal people seem illegal, while it does the opposite to people who are truly illegal. Stay off the rather by limiting your ostentatiousness, put your money in a system as Hive, government officials will easily spot out figures on binance but see hive as a regular social media. Opt off of the system's radar and live smartly and very carefully

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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