The LEO Stack

I want to properly frame this post, because this is meant for those of us that are bullish on $LEO. And you may think of the term 'stack' in a crypto sense referring to your holdings....But this post is meant to be looked at from a 'fantasy football' sense.


O.K., so the term 'stack' or stacking in fantasy football is to have multiple layers on your fantasy squad from the same team. So you would 'stack' a quarterback with his receiver. Or maybe a quarterback and his running back.

So for the LEO stack, we are going to be 'stacking' opportunities in the eco-system to grow our LEO.....Err.....Stack!

Hopefully, that makes sense lol Let's dive in...

Recently, I hit a nice little milestone on my journey on the platform:

One of the goals I had for myself on Hive was to hit 100k LEO this year. And I reached that goal with over a week to spare lol

But as I hit this goal, obviously I want to push myself in 2024 to hit my next target which is the 'Apex Lion' title of 150k LEO.

So how am I going to reach that?

I'm calling this.....The LEO stack!

I'm going to let my LEO work for me while I do everything I can to add value to the platform. So how is this going to work?

Stack 1 - Delegation To @leo.voter

This has been my secret weapon over the past 12 months. Now if things go like we all hope it does, you may end up getting less liquid LEO every day for your delegation. But right now I'm getting about 100-130 LEO per day, for my delegation to the platform.

This is my Hive Power working to earn me more LEO. And to be brutually honest, this is going to be a focus of mine in 2024. I want to focus much more on the projects being built on Hive, rather than trying to build up my HP. That will happen organically, but I plan on delegating much more to projects I believe in.

leo.voter (LEO) being one of them!

Stack 2 - DCA (Dollar Cost Average)

A big reason on how I was able to hit my target this year was simply because I was buying LEO, pretty much every day. No matter what the price of LEO, I did my best to buy 100 every day. And then I powered it all up! I will be lowering my DCA amount in 2024, but I will still be practicing this.

That 'stack' of delegation and DCA helped me tremendously, and I know it can help anyone that wants to really snowball their results here. It doesn't have to be 100 LEO a day, heck maybe only 10 LEO a day...But make the commitment, and amazing things can happen....

Especially when you add the third stack next...

Stack 3 - Actually Using The Platform

The 'stack' is like a snowball effect....You delegate to earn LEO, you buy LEO every day and then you use the platform which (guess what) earns you LEO for your effort.

Actually being a product of your product here is critical. Don't just talk the talk, let's all walk it. Because remember, the more we USE LEO, the more ads are served....The more ads that are served, the more LEO you can potentially earn, thanks to stack 1 and 2!

Let's recap and put it all together:

So you have a passive LEO income source in Stack 1, this feeds your LEO wallet.

Next, a semi-passive LEO income source in Stack 2, which when you power it up, helps grow it even more.

Then in Stack 3, you are using the product which in turns will bring you added LEO income because of LEO Ads.

Do you see how this will snowball and keep feeding itself?

My advice to anyone reading this, if you are as bullish on LEO as I am, get into the habits of stacking LEO now. Because we all know what is coming....LEO Ads, LEO Node are just the tip of the iceberg!

2024 could be the year we finally reach 'the moon' and the 'sooniverse' is something of the past....

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