March 20th, 2020

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It's hard to believe that it's been a year...

The birth of Hive and the separation from years of frustration and mismanagement from the previous regime...

And that's how I'll always celebrate March 20th moving forward!

You see, the history books have been written and for me personally, I am much more excited about the future of this blockchain rather than feed on the negativity of our old home.

Not trying to take anything away from the amazing stand we all took, and especially not trying to lessen the sacrifices some our of community had to deal with (and are still dealing with...)

But the future is looking brighter than ever! It was not in vain!

The 'official' Twitter account for the Hive blockchain tweeted this out last night:

What does the 1st year anniversary of Hive mean to me....?


You see, I've been building online communities and businesses for 2 decades now.

And in that journey, I've seen all the newest trends come and go. New technology pop up. Sure fire hits, turn into misses. And people that swore they had the next best thing, disappear after a month...

Here's what I've learned...Community is king!

Not only is it king, but it's the most important thing you can build and be a part of when it comes to anyone online!

And it's not easy...

It's become a buzzword these days, and you can hear it being spewed around when someone is trying to sell you something...

"We value our community!"

"We're big on community!"

Community though....Cannot be bought...Case in point, March 20th 2020.

Community must be built from the ground up by real people, who share a passion.

This is what Hive means to me!

We've gone through bear markets, hostile take overs, flag wars, and more drama than we're care to recall...Yet the community, has always remained!

And now, a year later...We're seeing the larger Hive community, grow into niche communities and powerful projects.

Take a look around and you'll see...Excitement like never before....

From @LeoFinance to @ThreeSpeak .... @Splinterlands to @dcitygame ... @Dbuzz to @dapplr These projects (and so many more) show us, how the PEOPLE of these communities are fired up and excited for the future as well!

And of course, I can't forget my little tribe that could @clicktrackprofit :)

Passionate people, all working towards something much bigger than themselves.

So here we are....

1 year of the Hive blockchain!

And to me, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This is such a special place and believe me, as someone who has focused the majority of his life around building communities, we are on the right blockchain at the right time in history.

Here's to another amazing 12 months and so much more :)

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