Families Can Thrive On Hive...


Story time once again....

I started my journey on the blockchain in December of 2017.

And what a journey it has been. I've been in love with everything about this place, from start to finish it's become a part of my life, my business and my career. I see a day where Hive and the layer two platforms on chain are the gold standard for Web 3 and so much more.

I've brought my business and community over to this tech and have no plans of slowing down :)

I was reading a post by @bitcoinflood earlier today where we made an amazing point...

We need to start treating these tokens that we are accumulating like assets. The post hit a chord with me because it's something I never really think about when I come and engage on the blockchain, but in the back of my mind...it makes sense.

What are we doing here?

Trying to change the world? Absolutely!

Trying to change industries? I know I am for sure!

But something else that is becoming a by product of our time here is that it's changing lives!

You read about it all the time, from people that are seeing entire fortunes changes because they showed up here and added value to the community. The hard work pays off for those that do, put Hive first!

So back to 'story time' I joined the chain and gave myself 5 years.

5 years to see how it went. I would put my all into this stuff, and focus completely on building my stake, my reputation and my influence on chain. Part of the 'deal' I made with myself was that I would never power down until at least, December 2022 rolled around.

Heck, to be honest, I never thought I would power down because again, I see a future where we all live off the amazing rewards we get not only on Hive but those awesome layer 2 communities and tokens as well.

But something has come up....

And I'm having a REAL hard time deciding what to do lol

I know, I know...It's my stake, I can do with it as I please but you have to understand the kind of person I am. When I say I'm going to do something, I stick with it. I'm stubborn to a fault, but here's the situation....

My family and I have an opportunity to secure something, 5 years ago, I would have NEVER thought could be possible because of the situation I was in. Long story short, in December 2017, I had next to nothing. I lost my business, lost my home, boo hoo , sad story everyone has them...In those (almost) 5 years now, I've literally...Been able to rebuild from scratch within this community! Rose from the ashes as they say and because of Hive, I'm slowly building back to 'normal'...Whatever normal is..lol!

But this opportunity, can really help my family fully recover from losing it all almost half a decade ago.

Hive SAVES lives. It really does. I'm living proof of it!

So I'm not sure exactly when, but there is a strong chance I will power down to get some liquid Hive for a week, maybe 2. This would allow my family to once again, get back to normal and after the journey we've been on...I owe it to my wife and kids, to get back on our feet!

On one hand...I'm feeling guilty. I promised myself and even the Hive community that I wouldn't power down at least until my 5 years was up...But @bitcoinflood 's post today really helped me with my decision. You see, what we are building here is meant to change our lives!

So on the other hand, I'm happy to think back of my journey so far and realize that the effort I put in, with the support of the community and my CTP partners...I am able to get my family back to 'normal'.

I guess I wanted to make this post for a few reasons...

First that people didn't think I was taking off if I start a power down for a few weeks.

Second, and more importantly, to thank each and every one of you that has helped me on this journey. My family and I are so grateful for all the support you have shown. I one thing I promise, God willing, I'll be here for another 5 years and more to tell the world how amazing this blockchain truly is!


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