Even after all the drama, Ripple is still sporting a $22 Billion Market Cap

Does it seem strange to anyone out there that Ripple is still worth $22 Billion currently?

Many out there seem surprised that Ripple is still worth tens of billions of dollars.

In fact, many out there seem to think it should be worth zero already.

But instead, we see this:


(Source: https://cointelegraph.com/xrp-price-index)

So, while the SEC is doing their best to kill Ripple and XRP, it still remains extremely valuable, why is that?

For starters, the majority of XRP trading happens on overseas exchanges.

That means that while US based exchange after US based exchange delists XRP, roughly 80% of exchanges won't be delisting it.

Also, something like 90% of its clients are overseas as well, which the SEC's ruling has little to no impact on.

Finally, just because the SEC has accused them of wrongdoing, doesn't necessarily mean a court will.

Ripple could still settle for a much smaller amount than the SEC is suing them for or, Ripple could actually win in court and much of this would go away.

Either way, the fact that Ripple is holding up here is probably about right considering what is actually going on with it.

It's not going to zero and anyone expecting it to are going to be disappointed.

That being said I am not a fan of XRP personally and I won't be buying it ever.

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