Make your WOX tokens work for you.

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As part of an impressive tokenomics to preserve value after launch, staked WOX tokens were locked for 30days. Stakers will enjoy a (very) high APR but tokens can’t be unstaked for the 30 days period. A tangible percentage of the initial supply have since been staked on the platform as holders jostled to benefit from the high emission rate. This 30-day period gets exhausted on 20th march. In a few days’ time, holders who staked their tokens will be able to unstake and receive liquid WOX tokens.

If you read to this extent, higher chances are that you at least hold some WOX tokens. Depending on the amount you locked on the pools, you’ll be receiving your original tokens and a additional tokens as reward for participating in the staking program.

In case it’s your first time of hearing about this WOX exchange, here’s a good introduction.

Like most other investors; selling part or whole of your staking rewards is unarguably on your mind. You’re not in the wrong line of thought, I’d love to cash in on some of those tokens too. However, WOX exchange is a promising project and is in its earliest stage. conquering the urge to sell is something you should consider.

Instead of letting go of your WOX tokens, here’s how you can improve your position and take charge of more opportunities the project promises.

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Hold and continue staking: On 20th of march, you’ll be able to unstake your tokens from the platform. This however, does not mean the end of the staking program. An easy way to continue earning without risk of Impermanent loss. Staking rewards are still high as the platform is still gaining steam, take advantage of the high APRs and keep your tokens staked for more rewards.

Add liquidity and participate in liquidity mining: Wish to earn even more tokens? Learn about liquidity pools and also how to add liquidity on WOX exchange. After providing liquidity and receiving liquidity pool tokens, proceed to stake your Lp token on the platform to earn even more.

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Contribute and help grow your investment: The most common thing about successful cryptocurrency projects is an enthusiastic community. The community’s role in promoting a project is a vital one. WOX is a promising project, but it cannot reach its full potentials without assistance from the general community, this includes holders and intending investors. in addition to other options mentioned above, supporting the project’s growth in different ways will certainly add more value to your investments.

WOX is a developing project with a responsive team piloting its growth. Be a part of something special. Learn more about WOXDEFI

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