Business involves trading activities which encompasses buying and selling of goods and rendering services for valuable return or money gain.


The primary goal of any business man is service rendering with profit making as a aim to be achieve.
For any business to proper then one of a key factor of promoting a business must be put in place as well strengthen. This key factor is advertisment, advertisment is simply a medium to create awearness of a new business, product e.t.c when a business man pays adequate attention to advertisement there is tendency to it's business promotion.
To neglect advertisment is to keep your business and product to yourself, and exactly every producer, produce to sell in other to make profit and not basically for self consumption. If it's advertising strategy is weak, no matter how well package and quality product produce the market could still end up defeated.
Packaging of brand is important as well as advertisment because the well package product can't go to street by its self to make itself known to people around or in the community.
So therefore advertisement is the a powerful tool in business promotion. Don't seat with your quality product or boost of your brand if you didn't create a platform for your product to be known. Taste and testify is only possible when products is known and purchase.
Several things to do to strengthen your advertisement as a strategy for business promotion are as follows;

  1. Platform
    A strong advertisment platform is important, don't just do it anyhow, you should be ready to utilize everyone available and strong platform to advertise your product.

Don't ever be stingy as a business man when it's comes to paying for a platform to advertise your product, that's doesn't mean you spend all on advertisment, you just have to make balances and make sure your utilize platform to create awearness. In 21st century there are a lot of platform that is costly or less costly to advertise e.g Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp e.t.c

  1. Talk about everywhere
    Talking as a business man is necessary sometimes, most especially when is that you are operating a new business or rendering a new introduce service. Don't assume your friends or relative know about your service or product, talk to them about it.


Utilize every opportunity to relate your service to people around as they are your first business promoter.

  1. Involve finance
    Giveaways or bonuses is not a waste of money, you should clearly know this as a business man. Thousands of people are producing and rendering same service as yours, don't just boost of quality because others could also be rendering unbeatable quality and services but involving a token to giveaway or bonuses serve as a medium to attract or drag customer to your service or product, not only that it's also forcast and strengthen advertisment as to the fact that people will definitely tell others of the extra service or bonuses to benefit using your product.
    Nevertheless when involve your finance in extra rewards, giveaway or bonuses you as a business man should be ready to strategies to get multiple return which becomes easy as that create massive turn up in customers patronage.
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