Hello guys,

So my first post wasn’t very good at introducing myself, thankyou @lovesniper for giving me a nudge and giving me an example :) it was a bit of a rush write up, so here goes a proper #introduceyourself.

My names Jamie and I live in Nottingham in the UK!, and I am a vehicle technician/mechanic. I do love my job as I prefer to be on the move and hands on with my work. I didn’t do too well in school but doesn’t mean I’m not successful, I have a wife and kids and a house at the age of 29, doesn’t sound a lot maybe to some people but where I am it’s not bad. But also doesn’t mean it’s not a struggle at the moment with children needing a lot of attention which I love and hate to see them growing up so fast.

My interests are my motorbikes and recently taken up airsoft to try and get a bit more exercise but some good fun playing toy soldiers but I can get away with it as an adult 😂

I'm not really that good at talking about myself and sorry to disappoint but haven’t had many eventful things happen in my life out of the ordinary but there is still time, and of course my greatest achievement are my children, and I hope to see them grow up to a better world than the current state it is in.

As I said in my first post I was introduced to the crypto world by my friend at work @article61 and they’ve helped me so much in such a short space of time and guiding me with most of it so far. I feel I have got comfortable with it all quite quickly but my lack of knowledge about it all is holding me back, but that will grow over time the more I use it. I’m currently trying out the stock market and learning how the system works which surprisingly isn’t too hard to read but doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing 😂

One of my main reasons of getting into crypto is what it offers compared to your standard basis and currency. I was a little nervous about staking money into the cub farms and dens, but I then thought what would happen with that money in my actual bank account... practically NOTHING! I’ve earned more in 10 days that I would if that money was in my bank for a year. It’s not a lot but wow I will be investing more and reinvesting that interest back into these games platforms to keep it growing. I’m looking at the long term and hopefully retirement fund with this, but also short term with tinkering in day trading. I feel more confident whenever I read posts on here about the market and how people analyse and it makes so much sense, but that doesn’t mean there no risk in it, of course there is Risk but I put more trust into crypto than I would in the normal stock market.

I feel I can open up more with this community and I’m not sure why but I thankyou for it. I am a very introvert person and all of this is helping me in some way!

But anyway I hope that’s a bit of a better into than last time and maybe I’ll start blogging regularly through my journey.

Thankyou for taking the time to read and love to you all!


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