Bought Lots Of Crypto Domains: Smart Move Or Wasted Eth?

Hi, Lions and Hiveans!

For me this day is perhaps one of the most important in crypto so far.
We had Pizza-day, Tesla-day and now COIN-day!

I also see a lot of value for my holdings in Voyager Digital (the stock) which has increased by 50 X. It was no doubt the easiest buy when I bought it in July. Voyager Digital still looks cheap when compared to the Coinbase multiples.

Today I bought some strategic domains that I believe can be very valuable at unstoppabledomains:

Screenshot_20210414 Unstoppable Domains.png

When I started with buying art NFTs, it was quite obvious that it eventually was going to go mainstream, as that is the role of art. I am also artistic and love art, so a no-brainer.

Crypto domains are a different beast. I do not have the technical knowledge to really dive into the value proposition, but I guess it is a logic move, and my calls has been accurate so far. It could be the next thing popping after art NFTs, as crypto domains share similar characteristics as they both are NFTs.
The rebel in me also think some wealth rotation once in a while is healthy (survival of the fastest adaptable), and crypto domains is a new opportunity for people that where to young in the .com-days.

I kind of shooting in the dark here. But if crypto domains take off it could be very lucrative and also help build my own crypto narrative.

I am very curious if there are any that have more technical knowledge and views on this on the block.

Have you perhaps bought any crypto domains yourself?

Do you think they will become valuable in the future?

by @janus-laser-until-100k-face


giftart by @elgeko

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