Invest4free (passive) investment - update

My weekly passive income statement for invest4free - Let me show you how you can get a good ROI as a small investor.
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

I started this account to be able to show that you can become an investor for free through being active on Hive. So far I have been able to collect a nice amount of Hive and hive-engine tokens, but it is time to start making smart investment decisions and share those with you. Since that is what I started this account for, to help you grow when your account is still small. Showing you how to do it, as I am learning that myself.

Hive power curation APR

Currently I have 500 Hive power. According to my curation apr is 7,9%. This is nice, but it could be a lot better. Luckily there are more interesting ways to grow for a small account, that does not get 20% APR through curation yet.

Mpath token

The Mpath token is the ideal investment token for people who create content regularly. Just by holding the token you will get upvotes from the MAP FinTech project run by @rycharde. Check the blog from the @mpath account for more info and go to the discord channel link in the blogs if you have any questions.

I currently hold a bit more than 111 Mpath tokens and this gives me upvotes for 1 blog per day of about 0,175 Hive. Obviously I get only 50% of that. If nothing changes, and that is a big if in cryptoland, then getting this for 365 days, means that I will get 31,9 Hive in author rewards. Mpath tokens currently cost 0,55 Hive on hive-engine, so my Mpath tokens are worth about 61 Hive. So the return on my investment (ROI) is about 52% through these upvotes.

However, this is not all. When you hold Mpath tokens, then you also get dividends in Mpath tokens. The week before last week I got 0,351 Mpath and I think that was based on 100 Mpath. In my next update I will be able to be more accurate. But lets say that it was 100 Mpath, then this weekly dividend was about 0,35%. Multiple that by 52 and you are looking at a 18% ROI as a bonus on top of the upvote value. And then I haven’t even looked at the compounding effect of these dividends in Mpath, which will sligthly increase your next weeks dividends and upvotes as well.

Maybe be my math is a bit off and perhaps it is not as profitable for bigger amounts of Mpath. As in the blogs @rycharde usually mentions an ROI percentage in the range of 25-30%, but for a small account that hopes to increase the upvotes for their content, I highly recommend stacking some Mpath. You need at least 1 full Mpath to start receiving upvotes, which currently costs only 0,55 Hive. This is a really good deal if you ask me.


I currently have about 100 DHEDGE tokens,

It is a really cool project, since you can contribute to it by sending tokens to @discohedge, which will then be added to the fund to generate income, while you get DHEDGE tokens in return.

The rewards for holding DHEDGE tokens comes to you in liquid Hive and swap.eos, so that is nice. You can sell it, convert it or power it up. Whatever you like.

Last week I received 0.0003783 swap.eos and 0.055 hive for 90 dhedge tokens in my wallet. The swap.eos is currently worth 0.008 hive, so that is 0.063 hive in total. If all were to stay the same over a year, then I would get 3.276 hive.

The dhedge token is currently 0.32 hive, so 90 tokens has a value of 28,8 hive. That gives me an apr of 11.4%. I did however get most of them for 0,25 hive, a 28% price increase, which gives me a much better apr.

The plan for the project is to let the price of the token appreciate even more and then start buying the tokens back for this higher price. This then causes the dividends to be a nice extra, as the real profit comes from selling the tokens back to the fund at a later stage.

After that for a period of time you will be able to buy back into the fund for the 0,25 hive price, after which the token will hopefully again start to increase in price.

But! That is not all. @taskmanager has now also added dhedge-drips. From now on all DHEDGE token holders will get daily drips. 2,5% of all tokens held by @dhedge-drips will be shared with the token holders daily. These are tokens that are earned from trading and other means. Not huge amounts, since it is called drips, but still pretty cool to see all these small amounts of tokens come in.

This makes it almost impossible to calculate the exact APR, but it is pretty good. :)


EDS, or Eddies earners is run by @spinvest and is another token that will generate liquid hive for you. A 12% ROI is promised, and by my calculations I got slightly more than 12% ROI indeed. I have 5 of them, which were bought for 1,01 Hive and got 0,013 Hive as dividends. It is a weekly payout, so over a year that would be 0,676. This makes for an apr of 13,3%. So that is pretty good.


I sold my BRO tokens at a profit a while back, when it wasn’t really clear where the project was going. But the last blogs and reports in the discord server have been very interesting to say the least. BRO tokens are now around 7 Hive, so that is very expensive.

The BRO token now pays in a lot of different tokens: Archon, SIM, STEM, WEED, LEO, PAL and NEOXAG. Calculating the ROI for that is quite a task, also because the payout for each token will vary based on the Brofund holding income from curation and mining. But you should get about 0,00395 Hive per BRO token per day. This comes to 1,44 Hive per year and even if you buy them for 7 Hive, you will still get a 20% APR. If you bought them for 5 Hive or even lower, then obviously that will be a much better apr.


  • @leo.voter, you don’t get that much Leo from it anymore, since it rewards in Leo tokens and currently everyone is trying to get their hands on some Leo tokens. But the higher price does compensate for that. The last few days I got 0,011 Leo for my 50 Hive power delegation. Since LEO is trading around 2 Hive per token the Hive income would be 0,022 Hive per day. Per year this would be 8,03 Hive, so that gives an apr of about 16% of prices stay the same. I don’t think they will as I expect Leo to go up much higher now that they have increased their marketing to Ethereum traders who will be able to login with their metamask and still post to hive. Very cool development.

  • @accelerator, this is one of the best opportunities for delegation. You get rewarded for your Hive power delegation in M token’s on hive-engine and like Mpath it is also a project by MAP FinTech. I have delegated 50 Hive power and for that I get a weekly payout of about 0,15 M.

There is a buyback wall for M that currently guarantees a buyback for 0,902 and this price almost weekly goes up a little further. This depends on the profitability of the accelerator fund. If I were to sell for the current price, then I would get 0,135 swap.hive. If nothing would change and I would consistently be selling the tokens, then over a year I would get 7,035 Hive. That is an APR of 14%.

Obviously that does not take into account that the price of the token is going up consistently. So if you wait then you will be able to sell the token for a higher price. So if you are patient then this will be a very profitable delegation.

Do note though that you will not get anything the first two weeks. Only after the delegation has run for two weeks will you start to get the M tokens as dividends for your delegation.

  • @tipu, tipu does not give you the best ROI, but it is a really cool project and is by far the easiest way to earn liquid hive for your hive power. It is much, much easier than dlease. You delegate some hive power and immediately you start getting hive rewards. Want to do something else with your hive power? Simply undelegate and the hive rewards will stop, but not before you got a nice thank you notice along with a 0,001 Hive payment in your wallet from @cardboard. Simple liquid Hive rewards, no strings attached.

Currently I have delegated 25 Hive power and I get a daily return of about 0,007 Hive for that. Over a year that is 2,555 Hive. So the APR is just over 10%, which is ok and higher than I currently get as curation reward.

  • @thisisawesome, is my latest delegation for passive returns. I have delegated 50 Hive power and for that I get rewards in Hive and CTP. Since this is based upon the income that @thisisawesome gets from curation the payout will very a little from time to time.

Last week I got 0,073 Hive and 1,067 CTP, which is about 0,13 Hive in total if I were to sell the CTP. Over a year, if prices would not change, this would result in 6,75 Hive. This gives an APR of 13,5%. But as I said before, these numbers will very from week to week. Especially if the price of CTP goes up, then also the APR goes up.

This is pretty good, so I will certainly keep increasing my delegation for this project.

I started with 10 hive power delegations, but will slowly increase the amounts as my account grows, where I will obviously favour the ones that give the best ROI.


As you will understand from the calculations above I will keep my main focus on Mpath and BRO tokens and delegations to @leo.voter, @thisisawesome and @accelerator.

If you know of any other tokens that I definitely should check out, or projects that I should delegate to. Then do let me know and I will include them in my portfolio and report on their ROI for a small investor.

Thank you for reading and do let me know if you have any questions, if you know of other cool projects or if you appreciate this kind of information.

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