Biggest but right financial decisions+ HPUD

Finance always plays an important role in everyone's life, and when we need to make any decision related to finance, it should be taken carefully; otherwise, financial loss can occur, which we don't want to face because facing financial loss is always painful.


I just finished my graduation, but I am a self-dependent person. It's true that I don't need to make a major financial decision in my family, but I also have to make financial decisions when it's about my cases. Thank everyone. Some of my decisions were bad and some were good for me. Whatever, at the end it helped me to make better decisions next time. Today here I am going to share about the biggest financial decision I have taken in my life.

I am such a person who is very careful when spending money, and I have had this habit since my childhood. 2 years ago, I decided to buy a new smartphone, and it was necessary for me because the old one was dead. I had enough money to buy an expensive smartphone, but because of my habit, I decided not to spend more than 150 dollars on a smartphone. In my eyes, spending too much money on a smartphone is a waste of money, and I didn't feel a smartphone was worthy of it. So I started to search for smartphones within the budget. After analyzing a lot, I decided to buy a smartphone that was from the Realme brand. Unfortunately, for some reason the price of the smartphone has increased a lot, and I needed it to pay a little bit more than my budget, and I directly stopped thinking of buying the smartphone because of the price increase. I spent one month analyzing the data of that smartphone, and at the end I dropped it.

I discussed it with one of my best friends, and he promised me to suggest a good smartphone. Within 1 hour, he suggested me to buy the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10, which was 30$ more than my budget. Instantly, I made up my mind not to go for it, but I decided to make an analysis on that smartphone. I tried to know the reviews of other people who used the smartphone. When I started to see the features and facilities of the smartphones, I was quite impressed, but it was not enough to buy it. The user experience matters a lot, and surprisingly, the maximum number of users shared positive reviews, and they were satisfied with it. Combining everything, I became a fan of the device, and within the 180$ it was a superb smartphone for me, and in that price I didn't find any smartphone that could beat the device.

I have taken 4 hours to do analysis and make the decision of buying it, and instantly I went to the market with one of my friends and directly bought the smartphone. Can you imagine, within 4 hours, I bought the smartphone? It was like a diamond in my eyes at that time, and I felt I was getting it at a very cheap price. Still now I am using the device, which means 2 years already crossed a few months ago. The device didn't face any issues, and it's still working smoothly. I am quite satisfied using the device. I think I was lucky to buy this at the perfect time, and I feel my biggest financial decision was the right one, and I am still getting the service from it.

Let's talk about the Hive Power Up Day that also known as HPUD. It occurs on the first day of each month. I hope you already acknowledged that one needs to Power Up 10 Hive at least to participate in HPUD. Again, I also expect that you also know why it's important for us for our growth on this platform. If you don't know, then you are welcome to ask questions about it.


I also done power up to participate in the HPUD. Little by little, I am trying to grow my account. This month I also have the plan to participate in HPUM. I just hope that I won't forget about powering up each day like I missed in the last few months.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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