Weekly Engagement-WK 15:My experience with appolo

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Ehe is to the light of the body. As you know, a lamp is needed always in the house to see especially in the night. In fact, so many countries made it their goal to see that, there is steady light in their country so that, there will be no darkness.

In my country where we buy light. Every home has its own way to have light 247. Like me, I have genarator, I also bought solar system to make sure there is light in my house. I can't stay without light.

This can be compared to the importance of eyes to the body. With the eyes, the whole body will be in total darkness. Whenever there is pain or problem in the eyes, we don't waste time to treat it because, no one want to loose his or her sight. You may be wondering why I brought this up. It is because, am going to share my experience with you on eye appolo.

My experience with appolo

This was a a contest on HiveGhana contest. I planned to join in the contest but some challenges came up. I was unable to write it on time. But was still eager to share my experience.

First time I had appolo was when I was 10 years. It all started at night. I went to bed with a feeling of sand in my eyes. But not knowing is appolo because I have not experienced it before.

At midnight when I woke up to pee, I could not open my eyes. I noticed that it has gummed together . And it was painful, so I cried out to my late mother for help which she did. At first she didn't understand my pain but as she realized what I was going through, she said, chimoooo, is appolo.

That night, I wasn't myself again. My mother was alert to know when I will wake up again in the morning. Immediately I woke up, she asked me to unirate inside a small bucket and wash my face with the urine. And make sure it entered my eyes.

I did it and continue to do it for 3 days. She also gave me paracetamol for headache as it was associated with headache and fever. My eyes was red as if blood entered my eyes. It took up to 7 days before my eyes cleared up again. Since that day till now, I have not experienced appolo again in my life. And I pray I don't see it again in my eyes because it was so painful.

Signs or symptoms of appolo

  • Eye itching
  • Feeling of sand in your eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Eye swollen
  • Headache
  • Eye gumming together
    These and many more is the signs of appolo. It is eye disorder that can make you uncomfortable for days.

Way to treat appolo

Each country or families has their own way of treating appolo . But if you see a doctor, you maybe given suitable eye drop that will clear it on time. Or some drugs that will help reduce the pain.


In conclusion, appolo is an eye disorder. It can last for days. Although is painful, it doesn't cause eye damage unless one treated it in a wrong way.

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