My First Ever Hive PUD

Happy New Year fantabulous Hivers!

Wow! 2022 is really here and what better way to jumpstart the new month and the new year here in Hive than by powering up! And to make it even better, this is my first ever #HPUD (Hive Power Up Day) participation and it feels so awesome! I was late in December so I prepared for it because I was not to miss it again this very day :)


Thanks to my friend @coquicoin who reminded and encouraged me to join in the next when I commented on her post that I missed the Power-Up Day. I saved my rewards in December for the sole purpose of powering up on this first day of the year.

For this first #HPUD, I was able to add up a total of 62.711 HP to my previous balance, which now made it to 353HP.

12-31-2021 HP.jpg
My HP Balance prior to PUD.

It just makes me feel excited and happy how my account is growing in barely 3 months of becoming active here . I am thankful too for the support that the different communities in this blockchain have and are extending to this growing bee :) My Hive journey will continue and I believe it's going to be a great adventure this new year and beyond!

And not only my account that is growing, but I am too. I keep learning a thing or two as I spend time here and there are even some bonuses! What are those? Well, I get to travel to other places and experience great things through other Hivers' camera lenses and blogs :) Nothing gets better than that, right? Kidding aside, there is so much to learn here and it's beyond just blogging even!

On a side note, if you are hesitating on your Hive journey, just keep going and one day, you will be happy that you pushed on.

Lastly, if you want to learn more about Hive Power Up Day (#HPUD or #PUD) and the mechanics, check this POST by @traciyork and hurry! There's still time to participate! Check out the timer HERE

Thank you and let's rock 'n roll, yeah?

Happy #HPUD and Cheers to an Exciting, Adventurous, Happy, and Successful Year 2022!

(08:10/01.01.22PH at LBBB, NY2022)

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FarmGirl writes from their lil kingdom in the mountains of PH.
She is also on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter

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