LEDGER Quest: Learn, Play and Earn PoK NFTs

I was checking out LEDGER sometime ago when I found out about the Ledger Quest which works similarly with other Learn2Earn initiatives online, where users will have to complete lessons and then answer a quiz or a series of quizzes and then get rewards in the form of crypto, stablecoins or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Through the LEDGER Quest, users are rewarded with NFTs that serve as the Proof of Knowledge (PoK) for what they learn.

Proof of Knowledge (PoK) NFTs represent immutable proof of your Web3 expertise. They come in different forms and can unlock real-life & metaverse perks. With these, users can build a unique collection that keeps track of their learning progress as they make their way to becoming Web3 experts.¹

Learn via the LEDGER Academy

Ledger has its own 360 Library which contains vast resources to learn from. There, one can read, watch, or listen to various subjects at their own pace and in the format they prefer.

The library is where all Web 3 topics are housed, from articles and videos in different categories like Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, DAO, Tutorials, Metaverse, NFTs, etcetera.

Users can filter the topics according to their own preferences. They come in various formats (audio, video, or reading an article; in different difficulty levels (i.e. beginner, medium, and expert) and topic length or duration. There is also a search feature so users can narrow down their options and go directly to subjects that they are interested in.

How to Participate in Ledger Quest

There are 3 simple steps: Learn first to win faster, Quest On (Play to Win), and Earn PoKs.

  • Learn

    In the 360 Library, check on the topics that pique your curiosity and read, watch, or listen to them.

  • Pick your Quest

    Explore the Quest page and choose your preference based on the reward or topic. You can opt to do all if you are inclined to. Currently, there are 6 available quests with different difficulty levels.

    There are token-gated quests which mean they are created for specific communities. To participate, a user needs to sign a message with his crypto wallet, proving ownership of certain NFTs which the quests require.²

  • Complete the quest

    After choosing the quest you want, connect your wallet to start the quiz. Supported wallets are Metamask and Ledger. The NFTs are minted on the Polygon network.

    At the bottom of the page, there are a few tips given on what one needs to know or learn to be able to successfully complete the quest.

    The claim NFT button appears when the quest is completed so you can get your limited-series NFT. Users will not be paying any minting fee. They are covered by Ledger.

    Do note that PoK NFTs are non-transferable. You can view them on Rarible or on Opensea, even set prices for them, and get bids on secondary markets but any transaction will not go through. Accordingly, that is how LEDGER has set it up on their smart contract. So no one can own them except the wallets that minted them.³

    PoKs are like your badges for learning something and then successfully answering the associated questions.


Learn-to-Earn or Learn and Earn initiatives are common nowadays and Ledger is making that possible too for its users where they learn things via Ledger Academy and then play and earn via the Ledger Quest. Whilst some platforms offer real crypto assets as rewards, Ledger uses Proof of Knowledge (PoK) NFTs to reward successful participants.

PoK NFTs cannot be transferred nor sold because they are intended for the wallet that has minted it. They serve as badges indicating one has learned and acquired knowledge on a certain subject.

Apparently, the PoK NFTs can be used to enjoy some perks but I have not been able to find any particular real benefit as of this writing.

For information only. Sources: Ledger Academy / Ledger Quest / FAQs

Lead image created on Canva. Logo & photos from LEDGER. No copyright infringement intended. 24082023/09:35ph

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