Farm ACE (Fusionist) on Binance Launchpool

The 40th project is about to start in a little over 20 hours from now on Binance Launchpool. The token Fusionist (ACE) can be farmed by staking FDUSD and BNB. Here's to share some quick details about it.

Launchpool Details

  • Farming Period: 5 days, 13th December 00:00 UTC to 18th December, 23:59 UTC

  • Token Rewards: 10.29 million ACE (7% of total token supply)

  • Initial Circulating Supply: 14.95% of total token supply (21,969,520 ACE)

  • Only KYC-verified users are eligible to participate.

Supported Pools

Users are allowed to stake separately in any of the supported pools to earn ACE. The rewards are calculated every hour and can be claimed at any time. Rewards that are not claimed by users will be automatically credited to their Spot Wallet when the farming period ends.

Those who have their BNB in BNB Vault and other Locked Products will automatically be considered participants in the ACE Launchpool, and receive ACE rewards.

The pools have no lockup periods so users can remove or unstake their assets at any time without any restrictions.

The total reward per day is 2.058 million ACE for both pools.

  • FDUSD Pool

    411,600 ACE or 20% of the reward is allocated for this pool. The maximum hourly reward per user is 1,715 ACE. While farming is yet to start, there are 98,926,870.5054 FDUSD already staked.

  • BNB Pool

80% of the Launchpool reward or 8,232,000 ACE is allotted on this and the total reward per day is 1,646,400. The maximum cap per user per hour is 6,860 ACE.

At the time of this writing, there are already 1,475,011 BNB staked on this pool even if it is yet to start.

Token Listing

ACE is scheduled to get listed on Binance with the Seed Tag (which means it has high volatility) on the 18th of December at 06:00 (UTC) and will open trading with the following trading pairs¹:


Endurance Blockchain

Accordingly, "Endurance is an EVM-compatible blockchain that is known for its scalability, security, and transparency, and focuses on GameFi and SocialFi. The blockchain offers features such as fast transaction speeds and low fees. The Endurance ecosystem is quite robust and includes wallet services, game publishers, blockchain technology, and developers."²

Per the introduction on its website, it is a social and game-oriented infrastructure layer.³ Binance Research also described it as a decentralized game and social blockchain that will be housing Fusionist, a web3 AAA game.

Endurance has already existing and working products and/or applications:

  • Endurance Mainnet - this was launched in January

  • Expedition, a browser-based game on the Endurance blockchain.

  • Auction house of Expedition on Endurance

  • Fusionist on Steam

  • BOAT (Bound On-Chain Achievement Token) which is an SBT, "a proof of identity for outstanding contributions to the Fusionist community. It is one of the criteria for Fusionist airdrop recipients and a condition for obtaining a spot in the event."

  • ACE Faucet that adds more utility to all the Fusionist’s NFT.

  • ACE Domain where users can spend ACE mint Endurance Domain.

ACE (Fusionist) Token

ACE is the native token of Endurance Blockchain

  • Ticker: $ACE
  • Maximum Token Supply: 147,000,000 ACE
  • Initial Circulating Supply: 21,969,520 ACE (14.95% of total token supply)

Token Allocation

  • Binance Launchpool: 7.00% of the Total Token Supply (TTS) / 10.29 million ACE
  • Team: 15% of TTS or 22.05 million ACE
  • Investors: 22.50% of TTS or 33.075 million ACE
  • Eco-Fund: 11.60% of TTS or 17.052 million ACE
  • Incentive Pool: 27% of the TTS or 39.69 million ACE
  • Treasury/ Reserve: 9% of the total token supply or 13.23 million ACE
  • Marketing/ Collaborators: 3.50% of the TTS or 5.145 million ACE
  • Nexus Bond Airdrop: 3.40% of the TTS or 4.998 million ACE
  • OKX Jumpstart: 1% of the total token supply or 1.47 million ACE


  • Gas fees for all transactions on Endurance Blockchain.

  • Users can stake their ACE to participate in the governance of the Endurance network.

  • Used for in-game spending and/or earning - not only limited to the Fusionist game but also on upcoming games built by the Fusionist team and partners.

  • For users to buy goods and services (social products, domain, etc) in the Endurance ecosystem.


Farming rewards through the Binance Launchpool can be profitable especially if you have large assets to stake. But while it is kind of low risk, users should exercise caution because the value of the farmed token can be very volatile and they can incur opportunity costs.

I would be participating in it especially since the farming period only takes 5 days and if ever I will be needing my funds for something else, I can easily pull them out from the pools at any time.

It is to note that ACE is also being introduced in OKX Jumpstart where users can earn ACE by staking OKB or BTC. More details here.

For infotainment only. Not an endorsement of the token or the service. Please DYOR.

Info Sources:

Lead image created on Canva. Logo/images from Fusionist and Binance. No copyright infringement intended. 12122023/11:30ph

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