Who am I? Pp.

Hello everyone who is reading this article.

In the following lines I am going to tell you who I am, what are my goals, how did I end discovering this incredible community.


My name is Paúl Parra, I was born in Quito-Ecuador, a small country in South América.

I'm 25 years old business administration student I'm in my last year of career.

I work as an administrator/accountant in a company that dedicated to building administration/management, I work about 50-60 hours per week but I feel very grateful with this compañy for all the things I've learned in this place since I joined in August 2017.

A "little" about me
Since I was a child I always felt a fascination for numbers, reading and learning.

  • Numbers
    Part of this fascination for numbers is because I've always been good at making calcs and interpreting numbers, since my youth I knew that I wanted to dedicate myself in some way to work with numbers. I love the beauty behind numbers, how they can help us understand some things that we are not able to notice until we see it on paper.
  • Reading
    Reading has been one of the engines that has motivated my learning through my whole life, I've always thought that reading is a "shortcut" to learn what others have discovered before.

    Through reading we are able to obtain large amounts of information and even contrast it with other similar ones. It helps us to form our ideas about the knowledge that other people have shared, knowledge that if we didn't get by this way would take us years to reach those conclusions.

    Sadly or fortunately depending on the point of view I've always felt as an advantaged in my environment for this pleasure for reading, unfortunately in my country it is not a common habit for the youth and much less for the adults.

  • Learning
    Learning is undoubtedly something that I loved without realizing that I loved it, as you could read in the previous lines both reading and numbers have been a very important part in my life, however, I had moments when I did not understand why I wanted to read more, why I was looking for different ways to solve mathematical problems.

    What was the engine behind all this, and step by step after a lot of reflections I discovered that this learning was filled me, every time I mastered a new topic I felt very good with myself, every time I had a different solution to the one we were taught, every time I noticed that I had grown a very deep joy filled me.

I think I've distanced myself from the main topic, but these are topics that I hope to go deeper into in future posts.

What are my goals?

If you had asked me a couple of days ago my answer would surely be different, not in essence or in basis, but in the words I would have used.

Yesterday I read @empoderat post My life is changing so fast (and it's damn scary). and found a phrase that somehow synced very well with my ideas and goals.

I'm rich because NO ONE can buy my time now.

This phrase sums up my goals and objectives very well, I don't want to have all the money in the world, I don't want to stop working to spend my life in parties.

But I hope to reach a point where I can dedicate myself to what I like without having to worry about the payment at the end of the month, stop worrying about not having enough money in case some emergency happens. Instead I want to provide a financial security for my loved ones, if something happen to me at least the money isn't a concern for the people I love.

I want to show that it is possible, that, although it sounds crazy, it is possible to achieve financial freedom, that allows us to decide how to invest our time, what to learn, where to learn, what to eat, where to live and in the saddest and most unexpected cases have the resources to face tragedies.

Because the way that I am, I see myself working my whole life (even when I reach my goals), but I hope that someday it will be because I love what I do and not because I have no other options.

Surely all this has been more sentimental than I expected, in future posts I will be more objective to define and publish my goals.

How did I discover leofinance?
As strange as it may sound, I discovered this wonderful community thanks to Cub Finance (I think usually is in the other way).

The story of how I got to Cub will be left for another day since this "brief" presentation has been longer than I expected, but I can tell that I feel that I've arrived to an incredible place and I hope to be here for a long time.

For those of you who have made it this far, thank you very much for the time you have dedicated to me, I'm sorry it has been so long and I hope you got something out of this post.

Again thank you very much for giving me a little of your time reading my post.

I wish you an excellent day and see you in the next opportunity.

Pp. (I always like to sign my posts/letters with my initials Paúl Parra)

Note: As you may have noticed English isn't my native language, but I decided to "write"(at least I tried) this post in English since most of the community uses this language.
If you think I should continue posting in English or I should post in Spanish (my native language), please let me know.

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