How we landed into being Unique 😘 / Unique.One $RARE

Last year's the beginning of pandemic had been a blessings in disguise. The boys being stucked at home bored had been doing a lot of art, especially my eldest. Both he and I in the past years sold some perler beads crafts from home to fundraise for Jansen, and he thought he wanted to sell his art to. Gosh, he is only 9 years old and already had been thinking big and I gotto catch up. He asked my opinion how to go about selling his art.

I have no idea! Haha.

And I was reluctant to start another Facebook page for him, it was just too many to handle on my side. Then, he asked maybe I started an Instagram for him but I wasn't ready too because I barely had time for social media. We kept encouraged him to keep drawing first on his drawing block.

From Redbubble to Unique.One

We actually wanted to get into NFT when we read more on NFTs last year and I saw my husband's also researching on Nifty, that's how we got the idea of selling digital art or craft. We were totally clueless. Plus, we are not professional artist, we just love to draw and anything art and craft. And then, most platform needed us to apply, so we were like, nah, with our noob art and no background or artist profile, our application would not be successful. And plus, we noticed couldn't match up with the marketplace. So we ditched the idea of NFTs and was into online shop, we spotted Redbubble when I saw @zord189 into it. This, maybe, more suitable for us.

Continue to draw and draw and draw...

We continue to compile our art in drawing book while I tried to wrap my heads around setting up online shop when I found out beginning of this year about Unique.One, the digital art NFT marketplace. The most good news for me is that the platform doesn't require you to register as an artist to be eligible.

I was like..... YAY!!! An amateur artist incoming!!! 🎉




This is a truly decentralised non-profit platform owned and managed by community, a community-based project, where artists, creators, collectors, sellers, buyers are as one. According to the website here, what makes them unique are their fair launch, net zero platform fee, artist no-fee policy, creating mining, usage mining, liquidity mining, artist contest.



But to me and my son... It was a RARE chance

It was our golden opportunity to plunge into a whole new world of NFT. We always thought we would have no chance since our arts are not compatible but Unique.One gave us the chance. We couldn't be happier. We also love their token's name. $RARE, the Unique.One [$RARE], not to be mistaken with another $Rare. This is specifically Unique.One $RARE.

So, this year, once again, being bored stucked at home like last year, we had a hang of Unique.One $RARE token. It was like dream came true. We wanted to sell art in the form of NFT. And here we are with $RARE.



With the help of my husband, we set up our Metamask wallet, he transferred some ETH to us, and my son and I both minted our first NFT. I was so nervous, I had no idea why. Maybe because I wasn't not good in crypto, my first blockchain crypto knowledge was when I joined Steemit, then now Hive, other than that, no other crypto knowledge, then now I am into NFT with my son. So stoked! Plus, I can finally have a chance to blog at Leo Finance too, which I always wanted but always felt I was such a noobie and no crypto knowledge to share with people here. However, I love the people at LeoFinance, I learned so much here. Thank you LF community people 😘.

My first NFT

As you can tell, my simple doodle. Gotto start somewhere eh...


Click here to see at Unique.One

Then till now, I had minted both my art and perler beads craft, and had minted 40 plus NFTs and I think I had improved alot.

My recent tokenised artwork.


My son's first NFt


Click here to view at his profile at Unique.One

I really love all this monsters' artwork. He can draw better than me, all from his imagination world. I tell you, if he knows coding and programming, he would have created his own game while selling these NFTs. I personally think his arts improved alot too from last year till beginning of this year. :)

Paying alot of gas fee... So how?

The project indeed is looking out for the community. The team knew we were burning our wallet by paying the high amount of gas fees since it us at ethereum mainnet. The lowest I paid was $35, the highest was $85. Haha.

But thank to, I got it all back with profit too via the creation mining and usage mining and volume mining yay!!!

The solution they came out with was having another marketplace at xDAI, much lesser gas fee. I would say, it near to zero gas fee. My son and I gotto into xDAI marketplace as well. Technically, we are in both Eth marketplace and xDAI marketplace now.

My first NFT at xDAI marketplace.


Click here to view at xDAI marketplace

My son first NFT at xDAI marketplace.


Click here to view at xDAI marketplace

I ❤️ Photography, how?

The project is aware of photographers around the world, we know photography is a form of art as well. You need to have that 'vision' to see the world and capture them into a nice photo, and the photo looks even nicer than real world. So, next coming up will be Unique.Photo. Therefore, if you are into photography, do check them out earlier before it launches around May. News said that they will come out with as well, we shall see.

A write up by on Unique.Photo

If you want to be in Unique family, be on the look out for this awesome project. Be Unique, Receive $RARE.

So far, the community is doing good deed to us all. Indeed, looking out for one another's concerns and interest. Soon, the project/s will be launched at Sora network too. Double stoked!!! Don't be late guys, check it out ya.

ETH Marketplace:
XDAI Marketplace:
**Instagram *:
Telegram Announcement Channel:
Official Telegram Community Chat:

This blog is also for participating in Unique.One's bounty campaign by @zord189. Check it out here.

❤️Love from me❤️

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